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Find out here if you have developed Burnout syndrome

Find out here if you have developed Burnout syndrome

There are days when work can overwhelm us a bit, but if it has reached levels where physical, mental and emotional exhaustion is excessive and caused by it, we may be facing a case of burnout syndrome.

This problem was legally recognized as a disease in 2019, and affects many professionals around the world. Those who choose careers of a vocational nature, working in contact with the public, have a higher risk of suffering from it.

Certainly, it is not an aggressive, chronic, or contagious disease, but it is still as harmful as many others, so here you will discover everything you need to know about this problem.

What is Burnout Syndrome?

Also known as burnout syndrome or professional burnout , it basically consists of an acute exhaustion, which encompasses the physical, emotional and mental state of an individual. Its appearance is strongly linked to employment and working conditions.

Although its strongest repercussions are in the psychological field, when suffering from this disease, physical symptoms are manifested as a result of the levels of fatigue and stress experienced by the affected person.

Burnout does not represent a direct disease as such, but it does lead the body to a very vulnerable state, which opens the door to many other pathologies.

Its state itself causes the body to suffer a notable decompensation and hinders personal development.

Burnout Syndrome Symptoms

When the syndrome begins to manifest, it is accompanied by some physical and psychological symptoms. It is key to highlight that its appearance occurs regardless of the age or pathologies that the affected person has.

But, so that you know how to identify it in detail, here are the most obvious physical symptoms :

  • Tachycardia.

  • Tiredness and exhaustion.

  • Strong headache.

  • Nausea.

  • Back pain.

  • Insomnia.

  • Tension in the muscles.

Now, the symptoms of a psychological nature, which someone affected may present, are some of the ones that I show you below:

  • Low self-esteem.

  • Depression and frustration.

  • anxious behavior

  • Hostile and aggressive reactions.

  • Bad mood.

  • Demotivation.

  • Impatient and irritable character.

  • Emotional sensitivity.

What causes the appearance of the syndrome?

If we look for a central factor, we have the work environment as the main cause; however, the conditions of employment in which the affected develops are the first focus of analysis.

This syndrome is accompanied by labor conflicts, some of which trigger the following.

activity overload

When a job includes too many tasks, the person who performs in it is overloaded with activities, causing greater wear and tear. If you stay in that position for a long time, you can end up suffering from the syndrome.

This happens very often in public or small companies, where a single employee assumes different tasks, but their remuneration and benefits are the same. This in the long run generates greater fatigue, rejection and frustration towards their work.

stress and pressure

Every job has a certain degree of pressure and stress, but when these exceed the limit, they overwhelm those who carry out the work.

Stress generates a mental load that turns into physical exhaustion, and pressure creates fear, frustration and insecurity.

little autonomy

If you hold a position where all the rules, norms and guidelines are applied from a dictatorial command, which does not give your employees the freedom to develop, it will generate great frustration for those who have a creative mind and who are not listened to.

conflictive environment

Jobs with environments where problems, discussions and conflicts are recurrent, make their employees perform their tasks in an uncomfortable way.

Such an environment increases the stress load, makes the stay less pleasant and indirectly interferes with their work.

Bad organization

When a company is managed in chaos, where communication is poor, there are no clearly established leaders, and functions are not well defined, in the short or long term it generates a very negative impact.

This is usually what ends up causing some activities to be more forced, daily goals not being met, and employees having to work overtime or take work home.

If we look at each of these factors in isolation, it might seem that they are not strong enough to cause the syndrome. But, the reality is that in most jobs several are experienced at the same time, and they are the trigger for collapse.

How to deal with the problem?

Tips to deal with Burnout syndrome

For this answer it is necessary to see it from two perspectives, the first is how to face it from the business sphere, and the second from the personal sphere. Both efforts to correct and prevent this problem are necessary, as this condition benefits no one.

from the company

The company must carry out an evaluation that allows it to measure the health of its work dynamics, in addition to how each employee develops and feels with the performance of their tasks.

Then you must strive to provide all the necessary conditions, ensuring that tasks and benefits are distributed in a fair and balanced manner, avoiding a heavy environment.

From the personal level

We must seek professional support to help us assess the level of Burnout we are experiencing, thus determining if any medication is required. This occurs mostly in cases where there is strong depression or anxiety.

On the other hand, some of the keys that can help us prevent and face this evil are the following.

  • Strengthen our self-esteem: Recognizing our achievements and abilities, we can propel ourselves forward.

  • Control stress: Setting limits and practicing relaxation and distraction activities.

  • Perform physical activity: Helps to decompress and relax the mind.

  • Enhance our security: We must be clear that we are free and independent and have the right to express our ideas.

This syndrome takes over mostly those people who allow themselves to be adsorbed by their professions. You should never forget that you have the right to pause, quit or change course whenever you want, your job should bring you happiness, and you are its partner, not its slave.


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Redactora de contenido, amante de la moda y el estilo.

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