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Bypassing Intel and integrating M1 chips is giving Apple a record year

In the last months of 2020 Apple decided to present its new creation, a chip that would help it become independent of Intel. The M1 came to Apple to stay, they used all their knowledge in technology to create Mac models with new chips that would replace those of Intel.
Apple was ambitious with this project, which fully empowered its devices, a risky gamble that went according to plan. The first models were the MacBook Air, Pro and Mini, which opened the way to endless possibilities for this company.
We were recently introduced to the new MacBook Pro with unmatched power, listed as Apple's most powerful laptop. Its progress is visible, in the history of this company, never have so many devices been sold as in recent quarters.
Apple is just getting started

The apple company has an impressive track record, from the beginning it has sought to make a difference, both in style and in functionality. But there was a dark time for each team, where they let a lot of time passes between updates.
Many began to believe that this company could come to an end, but to everyone's surprise, it managed to redeem itself and has been releasing various updates. Apple has made it clear in recent months that this is only the beginning, and they plan to continue launching improvements.
The first thing we think Apple will improve are its chips, moving all its computers and laptops to the M1 architecture. Now there are much more powerful, lighter and thinner devices thanks to this chip, but this company does not intend to stop there.
Apple is targeting much more innovative technologies, from retinal projectors for augmented reality, to devices capable of running any program. The funny thing is that he has been working on several projects that mislead us from what he actually has in store for us.
How can Apple surprise us now?

Thinking of an answer to this question might require a lot of imagination, as Apple could surprise us with any technology. On the other hand, we have the advantage that it is one of the few companies that usually air their projects.
Apple usually does this so that its consumers can speculate, with truthful information, what their new releases will be. Although many tend to take advantage of this situation, creating fraudulent content, which destroys Apple's intention.
When looking for information about this company, we recommend you enter official pages like ours, where you can find truthful information.