Fortnite will not return to the App Store until New Notice

After the sentence was issued in reference to the non-compliance of contract that performed Epic Games in the App Store. Apple stated that the game company will not return to your marketplace applications until all legal appeals are completed.
But why would Apple prevent the return of Epic Games to his platform? To know the real reasons, we must first know how they came to trial. Let us know this story a little.
Apple's judgment and Epic Game
Epic Game has been using a direct payment method that does not provide fees to Apple, something completely fails to completely your contract with the company. This implies that by legal chord you must pay a fine compensation for Apple.

Apple's rules are clear, inside the purchase section in IN-APP is specified that if the developer wants to sell something will have to be through Apple. Regardless of whether it is an update, a subscription, coins or object of the game, access to premium content, unlocking worlds and others.
This implies that the application can not include buttons or purchase indicators that do not pass through Apple. The direct payment has been in operation since 2020 in Fortnite without the apple company noticed.

At present, Apple has been put down to work to attack this matter, which reached the Court of Justice. The trial was held, and the judge declared that Epic Game had to pay the regulatory percentage since the payment option started operating.
The total to be paid is about 6 million dollars in total, to which Epic Game appealed that Apple had a monopoly on his App Store. Given that accusation, the judge stated that the apple company should allow other methods of payment for developers.
Fortnite may not return to about 5 years
Once Epic Game canceled $6 million for the non-compliance with Apple, he requested his reimbursement to the App Store. The apple company completely rejected your application and stated that it would not return until all the legal appeals are completed.

It is believed that all this legal process could last at least 5 years, where we would not see Fortnite within the Apple ecosystem. It seems an unfair decision to the eyes of many, but it can actually be well justified by the technological company.
Basically, Epic Game failed with Apple's rules and came victorious, since he will not withdraw his own methods of payment. The same ones that caused this failure in the contract and are pushing Apple to allow buttons and methods of payment of all kinds without commissions.
This could be a newer company wanting to pass over another company with much longer. A battle between technological giants seeking a way to locate at the top.