What the Apple Event left us, point by point

Andy Vilchez
6 min de lectura
What the Apple Event left us, point by point – Apple Universe – WebMediums

This September 14 was the Apple Event., this annual event in which the bite apple company presents all its novelties. And this year Apple has presented some news that are quite interesting.

As such and as planned, this event took place without any problem and gathered millions of people around the world. The event that was transmitted in Streaming fulfilled with the expectations we had. Obviously, the great protagonist of this event was the long-awaited presentation of the iPhone 13 Y. its variants.

However, it should be noted that other news were presented that although you did not have that hype., they do not stop being important. And, of course, the faithful fans of the brand knew how to appreciate it. Without further delay, I'm going to talk to you about all the novelties presented by Apple for this event. I will tell you point by point everything that happened, so that in the event that you have lost you can be aware and if you have seen it, maybe you have overlooked some important detail.

News in Apple TV +

Apple TV. is that service video streaming that many knows and that few uses. While this service has not been a failure, it is also not a success and this is due to its limited catalog. The Cupertino want to change that, that is why they have announced new programs, series and films for this platform.

With this, seek to attract the attention of new subscribers and plant face to the most popular streaming services as Prime Video, Netflix or Disney +. Among the premieres for this platform we can mention the science fiction series of Jason Momoa, the second season of The Morning Show or the adaptation of the novels of Isaac Asimov.

A new iPad joins the family

Another of the things that was presented in this Apple Eventt was the arrival of a new version of the iPad. This new version will include a processor A12 bionic which will guarantee that this new version will be at least one 20% faster than your predecessor.

As for the price, we have this new iPad cost 329 dollars, and it will be available in stores next week. In addition, it will include the new renewed version of iPadOS. in which we can see very interesting improvements.

Undoubtedly, this new iPad was expected, although for years the fans have expected a renewed design for this device. However, this new version will maintain the same line of design.

The new and expected iPad Mini

What the Apple Event left us, point by point – Apple Universe – WebMediums

If you are an iPad user, you are likely that you were waiting for news about this version. Just as it had been announced, we will have a new version of iPad Mini.

This new device 8 inches, it has been renovated and now has a very similar design to the iPad Pro. It will have practically without edge design, and it will be quite thin. Even, it will have compatibility with the Apple Pencil 2. This makes it much more attractive, but this has not been the only change it has had.

Inside, the device is going to have the processor A13 Bionic that will give you a greater power. As for the screen, we also see a major change, and it is much more advanced than that of a common iPad. In addition, it will include the new Touch ID., a more powerful camera and connection 5G.

The price that handles this new device is 499 dollars, and it can be reserved from this moment. Like new iPad, this device will go on the market next week.

Apple Fitness + Lands in Spanish territory

At last the service of Apple Fitnees +, which is the most popular training application in Apple. This allows monitoring your vital signs, as well as the calories you burn. This subscription service was very expected and finally has come, however, it is important to mention that this is a pay service, so you should take it into account.

The new Apple Watch Series 7 is presented

What the Apple Event left us, point by point – Apple Universe – WebMediums

Another of the devices that join the Apple family is the new smartwatch of the brand. This will have a screen slightly higher than that of its predecessor, which makes it much more comfortable. It also incorporates new training routines that will allow you to stay healthy day by day.

Un a. renovated design which includes rounded edges and that are better integrated into the design line of this device. Similarly, the glass of the screen is much more resistant, so the clock will be much more protected.

As for its characteristics, it includes a burden that is up to a 22% faster despite having a larger battery. It includes a USB type C, which makes it compatible with fast chargers. As usual, you will have a lot of variants, which makes you choose one to your style.

The price of this Apple Watch Series 7 it starts from 200 dollars, Depending on the belts and accessories, this price can upload.

The most awaited, the new iPhone 13

What the Apple Event left us, point by point – Apple Universe – WebMediums

And we arrive at last and the most expected point of the Apple Event of this 2021, the iPhone 13. and its variants. Undoubtedly, this it was the protagonist of the event and the one that hype. it caused among those present. There are many things to highlight from this device, so much that they give for another article dedicated to the team. However, I will talk to you the most relevant details.

Inside the device we can find the new A15 Bionic, one of the most powerful processors in the market. Even, according to the words of the same company, it is up to 50% more powerful than the best processor of competition. We will have to wait for you to be in stores to check if this is really true. In addition, it will have a new GPU that promises greater power.

In the storage section, rumors have been met, despite the classics 128 GB, 256 GB, and 512 GB, the new iphone 13 PRO. in its most expensive model it arrives up to 1 tb of storage. Ideal for those people who consume a lot of multimedia content, they will not have to worry because their iPhone stays short.

At photographic section, we find more advanced sensors that are capable of receiving up to a 40% more light. This guarantees that we will have some incredible photos. In addition, we will have a new cinematographic way, which promises that we will have professional videos and with a quality never before seen.

Finally, we have that the price has been maintained, as the company had announced days ago. The iPhone 13 mini. will come to the market with a price of 699 dollars, Meanwhile he iphone 13 standard it will cost 799 dollars. as for the versions Pro and Pro Max, they will have a price of 999 dollars and $1,099 respectively.

These new iPhone models, will be in stores starting from 24th September. So, if you are thinking about buying one, you must have the money saved up to that day.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Lo que nos dejó el Apple Event, punto por punto
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Andy Vilchez

Miembro desde alrededor de 3 años

Amante de la tecnología y los videojuegos. Aficionado a la criptomonedas y todo lo relaciona con ellas. Me encanta escribir y se ha convertido en mi pasión.

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