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Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive

Maria de Piña
6 min de lectura
Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Type of beard that favors you and how to keep it attractive

For some it is a nuisance that must be eliminated, but for others it is one of the aspects that most takes care of their image.

The beard makes a man show much more of his personality, and whether he has it or wants to get it, he should know more about it.

This furry friend has the ability to make a man look mature and attractive, and her care speaks volumes about who wears her. That is why you should know everything about how to wear it, and if you are not one of those favored with it, we will give you some tips to get it.

What beards to use according to the type of face?

Find out what type of cut best suits the features of your face, and in this way avoid using a style that you do not get the most out of. Let's find out what type of face suits them to wear a specific beard cut.

Square face

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Beard for square face

It is possessed by those whose forehead width is similar to that of the lower part of the face and their chin is not very pronounced. It is advisable to use a beard that concentrates more beauty on the chin and that is not too high on the sides to further refine the face.

The padlock style cuts look great on this type of face, the ombre style gives it a very attractive touch.

Oval face

It is a very well-balanced face, where its width is proportional and slightly rounded in the chin and forehead.

A man with this face can wear the beard he wants, all of them adjust without problems, he just has to adjust the density to his liking and style.

Long face

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Long beard

It has slightly thinner and more prominent features, prominent cheekbones and a slightly rectangular aesthetic.

Reduce the cut of the hair in the lower part and leave the volume on the sides, so that your face obtains more symmetry.

Round face

Its dimensions are similar between height and width, giving a rather circular image with wide cheekbones.

Here what is sought is not to increase the roundness, so you should opt for a cut that does not have much hair on the cheeks and concentrates on the jaw.

Triangle face

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Bushy and sparse beard for triangular faces

It is the equivalent of an inverted pyramid or vice versa, usually with a wide forehead and thin cheeks with an elongated chin.

A wide beard looks very good on this face, but with little density, leaning more to the shaded style, being well-defined.

Beard care

It doesn't matter if you have a simple beard or a long hipster style, its care and hygiene speak volumes about you, so try to apply the following tips.

Daily wash

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Beard wash

At the beginning and end of the day try to give it a good wash and not just with water, apply shampoo and conditioner.

Your beard has a high concentration of hair and must be cared for in the same way as the scalp, otherwise it will be damaged and smelly.

Don't shave without cream

Whether it's a special cream, soap or some other product, you should always have some softener so that the cut of the hair is more docile and does not damage your skin.

Whenever you apply foam you will avoid irritation, and the cut will be much more defined.

Use new blades

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Beard shave

A dull blade will only cause discomfort, irritate your skin and give you a bad cut. It can even be dangerous as you have to apply more force when using it.

Always apply new blades in the case of disposable ones, and if it is a machine, clean and sharpen it regularly.

Cut in the right direction

You must shave according to the direction in which the hair grows, or you will be doing damage to both your skin and the growth of your beard.

This practice is very common in men and is one of the factors that create hair infections. It also produces rashes and the appearance of pimples.

Comb and trim

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Daily beard styling

If your beard is quite long and dense, you should comb it daily, so that your image does not look disheveled.

On the other hand, since the hair does not grow evenly, try to trim the excess frequently so that it maintains the aesthetics in the cut you use.

Use aftershave

In simpler terms, apply a post-shave lotion, this type of specific product for this care, has components that soften the skin and close the pores.

You can also apply some moisturizing cream if you want a little more softness.

How to grow your beard?

There are many opinions, magical and medicinal formulas that offer instant beard growth in a short time, but many are false.

Next, I will give you some natural tips so that you can get a good beard step by step and show it off.

Don't cut and let grow

Know what type of beard favors you and how to keep it attractive
Natural beard growth

Start by letting your facial hair grow, this process will take a few weeks, but you must allow the hair to spread and gain strength.

This action is itchy and not very attractive, but it is necessary for the final result. In turn, it will allow you to detail how much volume you produce or not, in order to work in less populated areas.

Exfoliate your face

Purify your face, since one of the impediments to hair growth is the accumulation of dirt. In this sense, apply a good exfoliation to clean your pores.

Moisturize your entire face with a product, but especially in the area where hair does not grow.

Stimulates its growth

Use natural products that help hair growth. I recommend eucalyptus oil, with which you can massage your face to stimulate growth.

Another natural product is onion juice, apply place its juice on the areas that do not show growth and rub it on the beard. This helps give it strength and make it denser and more populated.

Just like these, there are many other foods and natural products that help beard growth, you just have to include them in your care. Avoid chemical products, since the face is very sensitive, and you could end up causing a skin problem.
