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Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep

Guidelines to follow so that your face takes all the revitalization of the sleep hormone

8 min de lectura
Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Woman washing her face of any harmful agents of the environment or makeup

The sleep hormone or melanin, is the fundamental part to create a facial routine that remains during the action of total rest. At this time, we can really absorb in the best way the benefits of these products or remedies that nourish our dermis.

Not for nothing do dermatologists believe and repeat that during the day we take care of our skin, and at night we work. Since our skin according to studies, is at night in a more receptive sense for anti-aging treatments.

Really, a beauty routine before going to sleep does not only involve a factor or reason, such as having good products and removing makeup completely well. This also comes with other little actions, or actually habits that we'll show you below with a step-by-step nighttime facial routine.

Feel pretty and fresh before going to bed with these tips and remedies that you can't stop writing down on your nightly schedule!

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Woman sleeping soundly

Steps to follow so that your skin can rest well

Some of these steps will seem very obvious to you, like others that you had not really taken into account, but remember, they are habits that you must work on so that they are fulfilled in the long term.

The human being is an individual of customs, you just have to work it so that it comes out in such a way. A very cool idea is to set a start and end alarm. So you never forget to do it before sleeping, and you don't get too long.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Washing your face well is a fundamental step before going to sleep

Step 1: Wash your face well

Many of us believe that it is only necessary to wash our face with soap and water when it is made up, because this is really wrong! We must always wash our face before sleeping, regardless of whether it is without a drop of makeup.

Since during the day — especially if we go out and spend a lot of time outdoors — bacteria, sweat and contamination residues, etc., accumulate. Which would really scare you if you could only see them clogging your pores.

But being small, you do not even notice that it is on top of your skin, so if you are one of the girls who do not wear makeup, it is still recommended that you wash your face well with warm water before going to bed.

If you do makeup, it is always better to prevent residual residue after washing your face with water, apply micellar water with a makeup sponge or clean cotton to care for the face.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
The pillowcases and eye covers must be constantly checked and changed

Step 2: Check your pillowcase

This should be an important step before you go to rest, especially if it is the first time you follow this routine.

The pillowcase is the one that is left with many harmful particles that remain on our face when we go to bed without washing our face. Or if you are one of the girls who use eyeglasses, you also have to be aware of their cleaning.

For this reason, dermatologists recommend changing covers every 10 days. This depending on whether you have gone to bed with makeup or if you have only rested your face on your bed. If so, we recommend changing it immediately.

So that the facial routine is not blocked by that little accident, which could bring you problems, clogging the pores or a skin infection.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Some instruments that could help you

Step 3: less is more

For the beauty routine itself, you don't have to apply as many products to your face. Maximum 3, and it's a lot.

And if you are looking for products recommended by dermatologists, you could try: retinoic acid or derivatives thereof, alpha hydroxy acids or simply retinols.

They are very well-known tonics in what is natural medicine and anti-aging processes. They can be creams or serum that contain these substances so beneficial for the skin of the face.

It is considered the best option for a moisturizer for the face before going to sleep.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Drinking water will help you with the process of proper hydration

Step 4: drink water

Most do not get used to drinking water at night, because being cold, in the middle of the night they feel like going to the bathroom.

But this advice is necessary so that the hydration is even more noticeable, since if we are hydrating externally, why not do it internally?

It is not necessary to drink so much water either, only what you consider necessary after having done a good pre-rest beauty routine.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
It is advisable to rest in a prone position

Step 5: sleep well

This is an issue that must be stressed over and over again. That you have completed the previous steps does not mean that you will be able to stay up until 3 in the morning watching social media reels.

You really have to set a good schedule so that the treatment you are following can give you its most beautiful fruits.

Absolute rest releases hormones that at no other time appear within the human organism. For this reason, you have to make the most of nightlife as the best treatment to improve your dermis and slow down aging.

According to experts, they consider that the best position to sleep is on your back, to prevent wrinkles from appearing by supporting all the weight on one side.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Apply exfoliating or moisturizing masks before bed

Some facial remedies you can do at home

Keep in mind that we can make our own masks 2 or 3 times a week. Exfoliate and hydrate, or just do both. We elaborate a facial routine for the face in a homemade way.

You can use a clay mask for those days when your face feels very dry.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
White clay powder

Clay mask

The clay can be found in health food stores or supermarkets. We remember that any clay loses its properties when it is placed in metal or plastic bowls.


— White clay — Chamomile tea.


1- In a wooden, glass or porcelain bowl add three tablespoons of clay 2- Add cold chamomile tea 3- Stir with a wooden paddle, until a homogeneous mixture is left.


The most advisable thing is that you implement the clay on your face with the help of a makeup brush. So that the product is well distributed. While you wait 15 to 20 minutes for it to act, to finally remove with a damp sponge carefully, without sudden movements.

Wash the face to make sure there is no remaining residue and very important: apply moisturizing cream or serum for the skin, since the mask leaves the skin very oil-free.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Honey with oil and lemon

Honey with moisturizing oils

Another remedy or facial mask that you can do quickly before going to sleep is honey with some ingredients that you have at home.

The oils, thanks to the content of healing fat, provide us with an anti-aging effect on the face. Besides that, combined with honey, it leaves your face super soft.

You can use olive, sesame, almond, coconut, avocado oil, etc. Both mixed with each other or separately.


— Honey — Olive, sesame, and almond oil.

Realization: 1- In a container or bowl place two (2) tablespoons of cold honey 2- Place a splash of each oil (avoiding leaving the mixture too liquid) 3- Stir until everything is well mixed.


For this mask, for reasons of its consistency, it is better to apply it with the help of a cotton ball, continuing to circle until it covers the entire face. If you like, you can leave it overnight, but you should know that there may be residue on your pillow that you will have to clean later when you wake up.

Steps to create a facial routine that makes you feel pretty even when you sleep
Woman waking up from a long night where

What should you do when you wake up?

The first thing you should do when you wake up is give yourself a few minutes to perform a good facial.

While carefully diagnosing if there is any residue of the applied before going to sleep.

Remember that to stay healthy and with beautiful facial skin, you have to dedicate time to it. And the best moment is this. Do not make excuses and give it a try.
