10 jobs that you can start doing as a freelance

Andy Vilchez
6 min de lectura
10 jobs that you can start doing as a freelance – Business – WebMediums

In recent years, the world of freelances has become increasingly crowded. Many people are looking at the network a new way of obtaining income. And the truth is that there is a lot of jobs in which you can start, even, you may not need experience.

If you are interested in looking for an Internet employment to get extra income, you will be happy to know that it is much simpler than you think. That is why, on today, I want to give you some ideas about jobs that you can start right now.

The 10 best freelance jobs to boost your career

1. Programmers

10 jobs that you can start doing as a freelance – Business – WebMediums

Probably programmers are one of the professionals that most demand have on the network. Its function is to develop programs, web applications, games, mobile applications and others. In addition, some also work with the programming and design of websites.

This is one of the best paid professions for freelancers. You can choose to work on eventual projects or work for a company remotely.

A good place for you to start looking for work can be Fiverr and even Workana. No matter the programming language you handle, in the network you can find work easily.

2. Graphic designer

Graphic design is another of the professions that has a great demand in recent years. If you like design, this is a great option for you to start generating money, even, you can come to live on it. These people are responsible for creating any type of visual content, whether posters, banners, logos, flyers, advertisements and more.

Graphic designers are individuals with great creativity, which can help you create and boost your brand with designs that call attention. If you want to work independently, you can offer your services in a large number of different platforms. And even, you can do it from your own website.

3. Online tutoring

If you are a teacher or are you good in an area (no matter what), you can consider becoming tutor online. At present, there is a great demand for this type of professionals, so, without a doubt, you can convert this into your main source of income. Or at least, take a good amount of extra money.

These professionals are highly demanded especially at the time of exams. Although there are always people looking for tutors to learn more about a specific topic.

4. Writer or copywriter

10 jobs that you can start doing as a freelance – Business – WebMediums

For anyone is a secret that the content is a fundamental part of any website. People who work as Copywriter tend to get a job in a fairly fast way on the network. If you are from the people who like to write and you are good at what you do, this can be a very good opportunity for you. If the content you write is good and managed to captivate visitors, it is very likely that the work is rare.

5. Online translator

In general, translators are professionals who have great demand on the network. Many corporations and companies that work in different countries constantly require translators for their campaigns in other countries. This makes the demand for this profession, has grown a lot. However, you can also work independently translating documents and everything that customers require.

If you speak natively any language, indistinctly which may be, you can use it in your favor. There is a great market waiting for good translators.

6. Digital Marketing

All companies and personal brands around the world, require digital marketing for their advertising campaigns. This makes specialists in this matter, have a lot of demand. Professionals who are dedicated to this, can perform advertising campaigns on social networks, email marketing and any other advertising tool.

If you are a Digital Marketing Professional, you can take advantage of at this time where there is an incredible demand for this practice. So, you can exploit this skill and get good economic benefits.

7. Virtual assistant

Because business and online work are in trend, many jobs today develop on the network. One of them is an assistant, a virtual assistant takes care of a lot of work for whom he hires her.

This work usually has fixed schedules and works similar to as if you work in an office. However, all your activities are made from the comfort of your home. There are several job sites where you can opt for a job of this type such as Fiveer, Freelance, Workana and the like. Even, you may find yourself in the companies' own websites.

8. Videos Producer

Like the images, the videos are very important on the network, especially for creators of content on platforms like YouTube. That is why, if you have skills to produce, edit and record videos, this is a very good alternative that you should consider.

Professionals in this area tend to get very good income, after all, is a profession quite demanded today. If you do your work well, many people will be interested in hiring your services, even, you can get a job in some great producer.

9. Content Creator

10 jobs that you can start doing as a freelance – Business – WebMediums

Internet users increasingly demand more content, that is why, becoming a content creator is a great option. These people usually generate income for advertising, alliances with brands and other sponsors.

If you have good ideas, becoming a content creator is a more than interesting option for you. Platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Tiktok and the like are an ideal space for you to get very good profits.

10. Community Manager

Social networks have great importance today and more and more people who use them are. That is why, companies usually resort to professionals in the social networks sector to take them for them.

A Community Manager is responsible for managing the social networks of a company. This means that they are responsible for responding to messages, responding to comments and making publications. A good Community is able to take the social networks of several companies at the same time and efficiently.


All these works can be done with just some resources, Internet connection, a computer and a mobile device. Even, if you are good at your activity, you will be able to enjoy a lot of work, since, all these professions that we have spoken to you are very demanded.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
10 trabajos que puedes empezar a hacer como freelance
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Andy Vilchez

Miembro desde alrededor de 3 años

Amante de la tecnología y los videojuegos. Aficionado a la criptomonedas y todo lo relaciona con ellas. Me encanta escribir y se ha convertido en mi pasión.

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