Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital?

Andy Vilchez
18 min read
Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

If you are one of those people who bother the monotony and who like get out of the routine, it is likely that an office is not the best place for you. After all, go to a job for 8 hours every day to do the same, it can be quite exhausting.

If you feel identified with this, it is likely that convert you in digital nomad is a very good option for you. Possibly, you have never heard about what is a digital nomad, however, do not worry, since today I come to talk to you a little more about it.

After reading all the information I have for you, you can decide if this is what you want to dedicate yourself. After all, many people would like to work from anywhere in the world without worries. But there is something you should know, and it is that it is digital nomadic is not a job, but a lifestyle.

What is a digital nomad?

Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

A digital nomadic is a person who uses the Internet to develop their activities and perform their work. Basically, it is a person who works remotely, which allows you “Work traveling”, since it is not tied to a specific office or place.

This is a pretty interesting lifestyle and with which many people dream. After all, who would not like to work on a beach in the Caribbean?

However, the life of a digital nomadic is not as simple as you imagine, it is very important that you develop an activity that provides financial security and, of course, that you passionate. You must bear in mind that living from country in country is not something economic, that is why you must earn a good salary.

This lifestyle has gained great popularity in recent times, and is that, people like to travel and if they can work while doing it is something wonderful. The Internet is growing by leaps and gear and is increasingly common, but generally, the digital nomads usually sell or provide a service through the network.

What are the characteristics of a digital nomad?

Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

The digital nomads usually have two main characteristics that make them be considered in this way. And these features we can see them simply in the same name. Next, I will explain yourself briefly what it is about.

Live traveling. This is the concept of the word nomadic, a person who can not settle for a long time in one place. These people take it traveling around the world without worries. Then, we have a digital nomadic is a person who travels very often and never sets out in one place.

Work from the Internet. The other feature of a digital nomad is that you must work with online media. That is, a digital nomadic develops its activities on the Internet. This is its main source of income, and she is good enough to keep her lifestyle.

If you meet these two features, you can classify yourself with a digital nomadic.

Advantages and disadvantages of digital nomad

Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

The life of A digital nomad has a series of advantages and disadvantages that will make this all an experience and a challenge. If you are able to avoid all the disadvantages, then you can enjoy all the advantages it has. Next, I'm going to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of being a digital nomad.

Advantages of traveling around the world working

Next, I want to mention what are the main advantages of the to become a digital nomad. Surely, more than one end to call you attention.

Travel and relocation. Becoming a digital nomadic will allow you to be able to work from the place of the world you want. After all, when working on the Internet, you can take your office to where you like the most. You will only need Internet connection and a laptop to perform your tasks.

Independence and freedom. To work online, you do not need to be tied to a workplace. This makes you check with great freedom to work from where you want to. If you want to visit a new country every month, you can do it, after all you are free.

Control about your schedules and routines. Another advantage of the Working through the Internet is that you are the one who decides your schedules. You can work at the time you wish and when you want it. However, it is very important that this freedom ends up making your work accumulate. You must be disciplined and responsible with this point, since it is the basis for productivity.

Financial Flexibility. The Internet is full of job opportunities and if you know how to move, you can achieve get a good amount of money month by month. Even, you can get to win several times more than you would get in an office job. This is going to allow you that you can have a financial freedom and be able to develop your life as digital nomad without problems.

On the Internet is all you need. The Internet has grown too much, this means that each time we have greater possibilities and services. Today, you can do virtually anything through the Internet, work, buy, have fun and anything else that occur to you. In this sense, we have that you will not have to worry about anything, since, on the Internet, you will find everything you need.

Meet people from all over the world. If you are from the people who like to be getting to know and making new friends, becoming digital nomadic will be perfect for you. Because you will travel for many places, this means you will find new people and new cultures. Even, you can get new friendships throughout the world.

Inspiration. There is nothing that Incentive better inspiration that know new places and new people. By becoming digital nomad, you will never have creative blockages. You will meet so many things, and you will see so many stunning places that will be very easy to find inspiration. Also, in the event that you suffer some blockage, you will only have to move to a new place.

Disadvantages of traveling around the world working

Become a digital nomad are not all advantages, but also, you must face certain challenges that will test your determination. Next, I will tell you what are the main disadvantages you will face when it is digital nomadic.

Depend on a good Internet connection. When you work with the Internet, is essential that you have a good connection. That is why you should always choose places where you know that the connection is good. And you must always have a B plan in case that connection can fail.

Find a good place (space) of work. It is not always easy to find an adequate place in which you can work properly. We never really know with what we will find when you arrive at a new destination, that is why before moving, you need to know as much as you can, in order to determine if you can work without problems.

Train discipline and productivity. One of the main challenges you will face when you work on the Internet is the unproductivity. That is why is a good idea learning to focus and techniques that allow you to be as productive as possible. It is not always simple, but it is something you should do.

Adapt quickly to schedule and culture changes. Being digital nomadic, you will spend a large part of your life traveling. This means that every time you move you, you must adapt to a new culture, a new schedule and a new language. This is probably one of the most difficult parts to be a digital nomadic.

Sentence of Soledad. Generally, to the digital nomads it is difficult for them to take root. At the time of undertaking this path, you should say goodbye to family and friends (except in the case of traveling with you). This is something that can generate a great feeling of loneliness that you should be able to overcome. Many people do not endure it and end up abandoning the path of a nomad.

Money. Money is A very important factor, if you just start living on the Internet, you may not have enough money to undertake this new path. That is why it is very important that you have some savings to mobilize you while you get a financial security.

Being moving constantly it is difficult to maintain your social life. When you are a digital nomad, it can be difficult to make new friendships and strengthen them. Many of the digital nomads usually have few friends and do not usually have too much social life. This is one of the causes of traveling so much, since you never end up setting yourself in one place.

Work as a digital nomad. How much does a digital nomad win? How do Digital Nomads earn money?

Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

If you want to become digital nomad, it is very likely that you have many doubts. That is why I want to help you as much as possible and give you answers to those most frequently asked questions that the people who have just begun.

How do you make money a digital nomad?

A digital nomadic earn money by doing jobs online, either selling products, offering services, making investments and anything else. The type of work you must choose, will depend mainly on the skills you have. If you are good writing, you can be editor, if you know how to touch up, you can work as a designer.

There are no limits to the activities that you can perform on the Internet, that is why you must choose the one that best suits your knowledge and skills.

How much does a digital nomad win?

This is a pretty difficult question to answer, since, depending on what the activity you do, you can get to win more or less money. However, if you put a lot of dedication, effort and above all, hard work, you can easily win several times more than you would gain in an office job.

Some people when they start it is possible that they earn only a few hundred euros, but these can become several thousand months. In addition, it is very important that you invest for get passive income each month in a simple way.

How can I work as a digital nomad?

If you want to start working as digital nomadic, there are a number of jobs for which you can opt. Next, I will give you some of the most common jobs that you can get.

1. Web Developer: This is one of the most typical professions that the digital nomads can have. You can get a very good amount of money for the projects you do and, in addition, is a fairly flexible job. However, it requires you to have knowledge about some programming language.

2. Blogger: Other of the most popular jobs for the digital nomades is the work of blogger. Having a blog nowadays is something really simple, and you can perform in your free time. It is not necessary to dedicate too much time, since, with publishing some interesting items per month will be more than enough.

3. Graphic Designer: This is another of the professions that enjoy great demand on the network. That is why getting work as graphic designer is rather simple. While it is a job that requires time and a lot of creativity, if you become a good graphic designer, you can surely live on it.

4. Create courses: Today, publish your online courses is rather simple, there are several platforms that can help you. In addition, making courses is a good way to get passive income, since, you should only create them and people can buy them for a long time. However, it is important that you create quality courses so that people can really learn from you.

5. SEO Consultant: SEO is a fundamental part for any website, whether personal or a brand. That is why, if you have good knowledge of these practices, you can get good benefits. However, the work of SEO consultant is not easy and requires a lot of experience to position a website.

6. Writer: Some people, can win a lot of money by writing. You can write novels, help books, guide books and everything you can think of. Nowadays, publishing these books is really easy, since, you can sell them in digital format on platforms as Amazon.

Essential tools for digital nomads

Traveling and working: How to become a nomad digital? – Business – WebMediums

As Digital Nomad, there are a series of tools that are essential, so you can develop all your activities. Next, I will give you a small list of the most important. This will allow you to start in this world in the best possible way.

1. Lodging application

A digital nomadic is in constant movement, that is why you should be able to find comfortable accommodation and have all the features you need. A very good application for this is Airbnb, plus it will allow you to find accommodation in a simple way, you can save some money.

Another advantage of using Airbnb is that it works in virtually the whole world. This makes you not required from different applications for each of the countries you visit.

2. A good calendar application

Having a routine and everything organized is extremely important to improve your productivity. For this, there are several applications, however, it is very important that you have a good schedule application to aim important things. A meeting, the date of payment of the lease, the date of your next trip or anything else you need to aim.

3. Specialized programs

Depending on what is the work you do, you will need some specific programs to be able to develop your work. For example, if you are a programmer, you will need a code editor and a compiler. If you work with graphic design, you will need photo retouch applications and so on.

4. Office programs

No matter what the work you do in the network, the Office programs are extremely necessary to perform various activities. Either to write a letter, bring control of your activities or accounting in a spreadsheet or make presentations for work. This is something that can not be missing on your computer, the most popular is Microsoft Office, however, you can find some fascinating alternatives such as the Google or LibreOffice suite.

5. Video call applications

It is very likely that at some point you need to communicate with your customers through video call. That is why you should always have any that allows you to do it, either on your smartphone or on your laptop. The most recommended today are zoom and Google Meet, any of them will give you a good experience and of course, it will help you to communicate with your customers.

6. Trello.

It is necessary that you maintain all your activities completely organized, that is why an organizer is extremely necessary. There are several tools of this type, however, there is no doubt here, which you must use is TRELLO. You will allow you to Organize your activities on cards and in a fairly simple way. In addition, it allows you to share notes with your customers or co-workers. Undoubtedly, one of those tools that can not be missing.

7. Payment applications

Obviously, if you go to live on the Internet, you need to have means of payment that allows you to charge and make payments easily. You can receive payments from around the world and in different currencies, that is why a payment processor that can handle payments from anywhere in the world is extremely necessary. A very good option is PayPal, since it is probably the most commonly used payment means.

8. Translator

When you have customers from other countries, or you are simply in a country where you do not master your language very well, A translator is something extremely necessary. In these cases, you need a robust translator that translate as effectively as possible. There are several translators that can help you, my favorites are Google Translator and Deepl Translator, but you can use the one you like the most.

Is the life of digital nomad for you? 6 important points to consider.

If you want becoming digital nomad, you should know that this is not for everyone. Even though it may seem like a quite attractive option, there are a number of things you should keep in mind. That is why, on this occasion I want to talk about 6 things you should consider if you want becoming a digital nomad.

1. It is necessary to have a good source of passive income

As Digital Nomad it is necessary that you have passive income sources that can help you with your expenses. When we talk about passive income, we refer to that money that is generated automatically and continuously over time. This income may be, for example, resulting from some investments or similar.

Generally, a digital nomadic obtains its sales income or by lending some type of service. That is, you sell your time and skills to get a financial income. That is why the passive income are essential. Mainly because they are a safe source of income and in which you will not need to pay too much attention.

2. You must have a clear routine

Many people who want to become digital nomads do not pay attention to you. In fact, the vast majority of people who want to become digital nomads think this is simple. However, any digital nomadic knows that you should focus on your work and for this it is extremely important that you have a set routine.

Even though you have great freedom, you must distribute the day on days that adapt to your needs. This does not mean that you must work on days of 8 or 10 hours each day, since you are free to decide. But it is important that you have them established and above all that you fulfill them.

3. You must plan your travel very well

Turn a globe and select a random place can be a pretty interesting option, however, this is not a good idea for a nomad. Remember that wherever you go, you will have to work to have a sustenance. That is why the place you are going to travel should have the minimum conditions, so you can continue to perform your activity.

That is why each trip you are going to do should be planned in detail, you must make sure that instead there is good Internet connection and that you will not have any kind of problem. Also, in the event that the place requires you to have a visa or that you must perform some special paperwork, you must do so.

4. Forget about having too many things

As Digital nomad you do not need to have too many belongings, after all, you travel from one place to another in a frequent way. The lightest trips will be better, that's why the digital nomads just need a few belongings. Among them, we will find your work instruments (laptop, smartphone, hard drives and something else) plus a little clothes. Basically, everything you can enter a single suitcase.

So, Forget about buying unnecessary things, since, you will not be able to take them wherever you go. In fact, many of the digital nomads are usually backpacking.

5. Have a good team

Your office will be your laptop, that's why you should invest in having the best possible equipment. Even though much this is going to depend on what kind of activity you dedicate yourself, it does not stop being important to buy a good laptop. It does not matter too much the brand, but this must have enough features so that you can use the different programs that you will need in your daily tasks.

In addition, because a digital nomad does not have the need to buy things, you can invest that money on your work team.

6. Ask yourself if this is for you

One of the main things you must take into account if you want to be a digital nomad is to know if it really this lifestyle is for you. There are many things you should get rid of you to start this new adventure. Not all people are willing to sacrifice so much, so, keep it in mind.

In addition, you must know that The first steps are the most difficult, put your suitcase, knowing that you are going to leave behind your family, friends and possessions. Also, knowing that maybe you do not see them again for a long time.

That is why, before undertaking your path as digital nomadic, you should ask you and be completely sure that this is the path you want to follow. If your answer is affirmative, then you can enter into the lifestyle of a digital nomad.
