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The first SMS in the world was converted to NFT and reaches an auction of more than 100,000 dollars
"Mankind's most valuable 'Merry Christmas'" has turned upside down, becoming a non-expendable token

Like NFT technology, SMS emerged and encrypted digital art did too, which We did not expect that these two technologies from different eras would come together and that it would also have such a high value in the auction market.
This also raises a very frequent question "Can people buy these nonsense?" Well, the answer is clearly yes and perhaps this auction makes more sense than you think.
The message was sold on the right dates to commemorate it, if you want to know more about this news you already know that you should stay to read this article.

Paris Auction House
The auction took place in Aguttes, an auction house in the capital of France, the Parisian city, which was very excited to carry out the activity that lasted less than 40 minutes. Apparently everyone involved was eager for the first SMS ever.
I mean, there wasn't just an excitement to sell, which is a bit hard for some people to believe.
Let us remember that it is not very normal for a digital asset to be placed in a physical auction, and auctioneers with years of experience in the art are very skeptical and doubtful of carrying out these highly prestigious activities with non-expendable assets.
The SMS does not have all the prominence in this news, it has also given an advance in what the possibilities of selling NFTs in large museums and houses dedicated to the sale of physical art, although of course, all this will be step by step, The truth is that digital art is activating many options for citizens who enjoy this entire market, both physical and digital.
In the specific case of Aguttes, the organization is sure that they will receive many more shares with non-fungible tokens, and if offers come with a purpose like this, they will be even more delighted to do it within their immediate vicinity.

How the NFTs work
We understand the NFT is the abbreviation so famous today, for what non-fungible tokens are, this according to its meaning means that each object that is named with these letters is an asset that cannot be consumed by a use, it is perennial and inexhaustible.
In addition to the fact that the NFTs are protected within a screen, which can be any of our technological devices, with an encrypted security of the Ethereum network.
Things like these have a purely virtual market, this is reason enough for the most logical question when reading this news is placed in front of the spotlight:
How do you sell an NFT at an auction house?
Physical art has been sold in different ways throughout history, consisting of the way the artist himself sells his newly made paintings or hiring someone to do it for him, that the buyer passes from hand to hand, or among other ways, but we know that the most used method to get art is auctions.
But these are always palpable artistic assets, that is, they are things that we can touch because they are physically present; Being our NFT virtual archive, these art activities cannot be auctioned inside a house.
What the prestigious Aguttes house did, in this case, was very simple, they only placed the NFT in a commemorative physical frame, and both things, the NFT and the physical frame, were given to the buyer of the work or winner of the auction in its entirety.

Vodafone: owner of the NFT
The telecommunications company in the United States, Vodafone, was the one that won in the innovation race in a decade, being the people capable of making the event of the first SMS in history come true, sent from a computer to a mobile of the time.
This happened more than 20 years ago, to be specific, on December 3, 1992, in the vicinity of the company at a Christmas party, hence the short message costing thousands of dollars.
Vodafone is the brain not only of this fact that it took a very big step for what our smartphone does today, also is the one who made the decision to convert this historic event into NFT and sell it.

What did they do with the proceeds from the sale?
In such a large sum of money as this, anyone wants to know where it has fallen, and this question has been answered, which has become very regular with the spread of the news of this auction.
The statements affirm that it was all for a good cause, that it had actually started as an idea that might not even be possible, but ended up being something much more valuable.
In full money it was sent as a donation to the UN office, your shelter or refugee agencies.

Anonymous buyer
There is no name spoken or written in the news record, the identity of the person who bought this NFT for more than USD $120,000 is anonymous to the public eye, but various outlets have already discovered some things about the person.
Apparently it is not something very specific, but apparently it has been enough for the world ; The buyer is a man from Canadian lands who works in technological areas, more information on the subject has not been known in any other medium.
What we do know is that the whole project was a total success, and we hope that the entire NFT world that is developing with more power and also the physical world, carry these purposes of helping, as a badge.
In this way, we are not only strengthening art, but also humanity, this news will undoubtedly attract more interested parties to carry out these asset-raising activities and become interested in what digital art brings.