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The Nike arrived at the Metaverse

The renowned brand acquired RTFKT a company that works with NTF

4 min de lectura
The Nike arrived at the Metaverse – Business – WebMediums
Nike Collectibles

Although we know that the Metaverse is giving a lot to talk about, we are still surprised by the scope that it has managed to have so far. This time around, sneaker brand Nike is making a considerable investment and taking space with NTFs.

The renowned brand acquired RTFKT a company that works with NTF, Blockchain and of course, augmented reality.

The NTF fund and the growth of the Metaverse captures more and more brands, companies and individual users. The stakes are high when it comes to up-to-date technologies.

Nike could not be left behind, and now it leads to the sale of its sneakers as digital products and lead its followers to it.

The Nike arrived at the Metaverse – Business – WebMediums
There will be varied designs of sports shoes

Nike's interest in the Metaverse

This is a concern that does not come from now, rather it has been cooking in the Nike industry for a long time. For some time the interest in the brand for Blockchain technology and NTFs has been shown. Currently, the Metaverse becomes the perfect setting to enter.

One of his clues was the constant search for a virtual materials designer. Its purpose was to enter this way, or expose the launch of its own cryptocurrency. However, for now we start with NTFs.

The Nike arrived at the Metaverse – Business – WebMediums

Video games are also part of Nike's inspiration, that is, who would not want to collect their own brand of virtual shoes, all original and without any duplication.

Now, how not to do it if we have augmented reality products, which for many, is a dream come true.

Nike: towards digital transformation

Being part of the global changes aligned with technology, Nike seeks to incorporate more than just digital sneakers, enrichment projects. The primary reason is to expand as a fingerprint for the athletes' journey.

We will soon see the creation of exclusive shoe designs to be promoted for sale within the Metaverse. Digital products will continue to boom over NTFs.

The Nike arrived at the Metaverse – Business – WebMediums
RTFKT and its digital art

RTFKT digital art studio

A study created in 2020 that works on the respective creation of NFT, who in such a short time of history have managed to sell NTF for values exceeding $10,000. Its purpose is the creation of collectible products, Blockchain authenticity validation and of course, augmented reality.

For many it is the news they wanted to hear, Nike would already have its own digital art studio available to create its most exclusive NTF of collectible sneakers for its followers.

Nike and his Nikeland

This is another project that shows us the greatness of Nike and its fervent interest in digital updates. We are talking about a whole world of sneakers and exclusive sportswear on Roblox.

It is about the incredible sports city of Nike in the Metaverse. Working directly from the gaming platform but with creative aspirations that are impressive for its users.

Greats working on the Metaverse

Nike is only part of the large companies that want to make a presence with their products in the Metaverse and its slopes. It is a not too distant future that promises us a lot of trade in between.

Beyond being a virtual world under construction, there are many who are working on renewed and advanced software and hardware that will make a wonder in this Metaverse.

The Nike arrived at the Metaverse – Business – WebMediums
Shoe sales in the metaverse

If you are one of those who love Nike sports shoes, you cannot stop following their guidelines, unique and amazing models will soon be available, designs that go from reality to the digital world and available for sale in the Metaverse.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Nike llega a Metaverso

Irene de Espinoza

Miembro desde más de 3 años

Soy productora audiovisual, amante de la fotografía y creadora de contenidos. Me especializo en criptomonedas, negocios y marketing digital.


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