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die sweetly

José Miguel Fernández Nápoles
3 min de lectura
die sweetly – Childhood education – WebMediums
Sugar, the fish took the bait.

I remember that I did some errands for a neighbor in the neighborhood, and I had to use one of those bars that were used, with a piece of rolled up sack, so that it would not destroy your shoulder due to the weight. He gave me two cents for the order and I went to a kiosk to buy grated coconut candy and I bingeed and almost died.

I was not even twelve years old and in those days, they did not eat many sweets in my town, but rather little, not to say that only at Christmas and some birthdays. I remember that sugar was put in the coffee with milk in the morning and little else.

die sweetly – Childhood education – WebMediums
Another way of life.

Then refined sugar and industrial pastries appeared and all the alarms sounded. More diabetics began to appear at an early age, including children and diseases associated with excessive consumption of sugar. People were rightly alarmed and it was not long before they did as with tobacco, where the sentence comes on the packages: smoking kills.

And it is one thing to be prudent and another to give up sweets, which is why products without added sugar have become fashionable, even without sugar, and we have opened the door to some artificial sweeteners. In other words, we left Guatemala and entered Guatepeor.

I found an article about the relationship of this sweetener and multiple sclerosis disease. You can read it in full here. Then one begins to tie up loose ends and realizes that it is a very common strategy today, to observe trends and put a bait on that hook to see if the fish swallows it.

die sweetly – Childhood education – WebMediums
I know you cod, even if you come disguised.

The strategy seems very simple: if people have begun to be afraid of sugar, we are going to propose something that is very sweet, cheap, and while it is discovered that it is even worse, a few million deaths do not matter in the least, as long as they stop Profits.

In a recent article that you can read here, I referred to masked sugar in industrialized food, because now I can provide you with a little more information regarding products in which they have put this "time bomb" to which I have referred to above, namely aspartame.

Here you can see a very short list of foods that contain this substance. Have you checked your shopping cart? Are there any of these? To be completely honest, I want to say that I never stopped to read the ingredients that the products that I buy in the market have, and now I have decided to spend a few minutes before the beep they emit when I go through the checkout, where, as if that were not enough I pay to take them home.
