Francesco Tonucci
Francesco Tonucci is one of the most famous thinkers and psychopedagogues of today. This has established itself as one of the teaching professionals who have come to influence the most on raising awareness about the improvement in the educational quality of the child and the importance of this learning stage in the lives of these people. Therefore, it is essential to know who Francesco Tonucci is and what his educational vision is.

Who is Francesco Tonucci "Frato"?
Francesco Tonucci is a thinker, psychopedagogue and cartoonist of Italian origin. "Frato" has been characterized by offering a diversity of talks and teachings on the importance that children have on life and in the global ecosystem. In addition, this author has been characterized by creating a diversity of teaching books and has published scientific articles in Italian and international media.
Tonucci is a graduate of Pedagogy from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. In this way, this professional came to work as a teacher and in a variety of pedagogy departments. Currently, Francesco Tonucci chairs the Department of Psychopedagogy of the Psychological Institute of the National Research Council.
Tonucci also participates as a member of various committees and associations. In this way, he is president of the "Italian Committee for Television and Minors" and is an active member of the City of Science of Naples. In addition, he has authored various world conferences.
"Frato" has been characterized by harshly criticizing the current educational model, noting that it has certain flaws by focusing on teaching from an early age and by seeing a child's education as a benefit in the future. In this way, it has tried to generate a teaching where children's abilities are recognized in order to strengthen them.
Francisco Tonucci has stood out internationally thanks to his active participation in the Play with the Eyes of a Child campaign. On the other hand, he has also been in charge of holding multiple conferences exposing all kinds of cases and thoughts about his profession. For all this, it has managed to generate a broad educational contribution by highlighting the importance of children's education and the various ways to improve this type of teaching.
Francesco Tonucci — Educational Vision
The educational vision of the Tonucci is based on giving recognition to the child's learning, recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, you should try to treat them for what they are, trying to recognize their tastes and take the teaching towards that direction. In this way, he points out, the child's abilities can be strengthened, and he is attracted to the classrooms.
Francesco Tonucci has tried to generate educational contributions focused on the reformulation of the teachings and the rethinking of the role of children in the classroom. The latter mentions giving importance to the little ones, listening to them, recognizing their learning rhythm and making them see that they are important in civic life.
This educational model has aroused quite a few controversies, because it does not play with the current teaching model where children are shown as people who still cannot make correct decisions and who simply must learn the basic knowledge so that, when they can reason correctly, manage to use this knowledge in what is best for you.
Among some advantages and disadvantages of Francesco Tonucci's educational vision, we can mention:
It helps children feel more appreciated and allows them to work on those topics of their choice, which helps to strengthen their self-esteem.
It helps children to verify their preferences in the educational field to facilitate decision-making and the field of study that they wish to practice in the future.
It is possible to teach new values, such as leadership, maturity, tolerance, democracy and respect.
It is necessary to spend more time with each of the children, having to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. In addition, the teaching rhythm must be adapted to that of each of the children.
It causes children to become independent at an early age, which can cause conflicts with adults.
Teaching, in certain areas, may not be the best, as they can be overlooked or not given much prominence by children.
Contributions of Francisco Tonucci
Tonucci has contributed in each of the areas of his specialization, mainly as a scientist and pedagogue. In this way, he has been involved in a variety of articles, conferences and book writings to raise his educational model, which has turned out to be quite effective.
In the scientific field, Tonucci published a book entitled "The city of children", where he points out the importance that must be given to these infants and the need to adapt cities to children. In addition, it mentions the importance of dealing with the experiences lived by the child in their daily life and of generating research to achieve timely responses to various events in daily life.
At a didactic level, according to bibliographic articles, Francesco has focused on making changes in teaching models such as giving children time to carry out different activities and to share with each other; make children feel more free and empowered to make decisions; treat children as people and not as empty containers to be filled with knowledge; among many factors that Tonucci has tried to teach through his articles and books.
Finally, at a pedagogical level, he has already pointed out that we must give another approach to teaching, focusing more on children, their experiences and on strengthening their qualities. In addition, it is necessary to help them in making decisions and in making sure that infants can choose those activities that interest them the most.