Importance of detecting plagiarism in education

2 min read

What is plagiarism? Plagiarism is nothing more than the copy that a person makes of a work of others that he presents as his own.

Plagiarism has two fundamental characteristics:

* The total or part copy of a foreign work. * Presentation of the copy as an original work, replacing the true author.
Importance of detecting plagiarism in education – Childhood education

Are there programs to detect plagiarism online?

Currently, there are programs to detect plagiarism online, among which we find:

1- Ephorus: this program is used by many teachers since it allows them to detect copies of content fragments and even complete content, it also offers the sources from which said content comes.

2- Turnitin: this program is used by several universities as it allows them to compare the uploaded documents with the works and contents of other websites.

3- PlagScan: this is a program that many institutions use, as it allows them to make a comparison with content on the web, it does not store documents if the author does not authorize it, so it gives each user the chance to delete their work once that they have verified if there is plagiarism or not.

Students find it easy the speed, comfort and ease that is presented when taking information and putting it into some research or writing, and take it as their own, however, they are committing plagiarism, which goes against educational ethics. That is why teachers have to act and use programs to detect plagiarism.

What are the reasons for detecting plagiarism in education?

There are many reasons to detect plagiarism in education, which are very important, here are some of them.

— Plagiarism can be considered as equivalent to students refusing to analyze the content on which they base their research work, which is why plagiarized work cannot be approved.

Plagiarism must be detected because it represents a delay in the knowledge program, since when students copy and paste information in their work, they do not develop their minds, they are not creative, and they do not draw their conclusions.
