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Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance

NFT de Arepas is the most appreciated collection by the Venezuelan artist that is already on the exchange platform

6 min de lectura
Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
The iconic symbol of the Venezuelan artist Óscar Olivares

Nowadays, we see almost anything placed with the adjective "tokenized", and in NFTs there is no lack of cute animated kittens or puppies: drawn, in gifs, or in 3D models.

Although these themes continue to be a success, there is another effective opponent. Food art tops the list of purchases of these non-fungible tokens, and although we have seen in this digital art market, from a hamburger to a dumpling, we had never come across an arepa.

Now thanks to the Venezuelan artist Óscar Olivares, this is possible within the marketplace of the exchange with the highest market capitalization, that is, Binance. We tell you everything below!

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Previous painting of arepas by Olivares in 2014

Totally exclusive works

On January 12, the exclusive collection of a favorite icon of Venezuelan breakfast was launched, which has spread throughout the world, due to the large mass of locals who have migrated in recent years. The arepa is already eaten from the United States to Japan.

This collection is part of NFT Olivares and in total it has 58 different NFTs that are totally exclusive, that is, there is only one type in the whole world. In these NFTs, the artist uses 7 different arts and more than 5 types of arepa.

All these specifications are mentioned by the artist Óscar Olivares himself on his social networks.

Generally within the non-fungible token market, by placing the word "exclusive" on an asset, the sale will be higher, following the speculations of traditional art.

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Binance marketplace logo

They were put up for sale on the Binance Marketplace

The symbol of the arepa has become pleasing to millions of people, and has earned the artist of this work more than 160 thousand fans around the world. Which are both as students and appreciaters of the artist's talent.

Óscar Olivares put his work up for sale on the Binance marketplace, the main NFT and cryptocurrency exchange platform.

Right now of the 58 NFTs on display, only the Golden Arepa is up for auction, at $452 so far.

Said auction ends in 2 days, and it will belong to the one who pays the most for this exclusive and completely golden NFT.

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
A type of arepa

All works sold out

Within 4 minutes of posting the work on the Binance marketplace, he had already sold 10 NFTs from his collection. And six of these were already being resold on the platform immediately, at a much higher price than the price applied by Olivares.

The original prices varied between $230 and $250 in each work. This number was six times more, meaning you could find some of his works for $1,300 or $1,500 in just a few hours.

In less than 4 days all the works were sold out, leaving only one NFT up for auction.

What has been a totally effective investment of digital art before the knowledgeable public, and has made Óscar Olivares even more internationally recognized, gaining up to 2,000 more followers on his Instagram platform account?

Golden arepa auction

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Olivares posing with one of his paintings where the sun is an arepa

The golden arepa is the most appreciated work by Olivares, and this was separated from the other 57 that were for sale or placed in competition within their social networks.

"Golden Arepa" is an NFT that combines various shades of the color gold, using an art form identifying Óscar.

You can see it in the marketplace during its last days in listing, simply entering the search engine and then in the Binance marketplace where you can write "Golden Arepa" and the auction activity will immediately appear.

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Olivares is a fan of Spider-Man and highlights him in many of his cartoons. This is called "Spider-Man and my grandmother"

About the artist

Óscar Olivares is an artist from the city of Caracas who has had painting and art in his blood since childhood. All his works published to date have a particular signature that no other artist has, and this, as you may already suspect, is the Venezuelan arepa.

Óscar Olivares also has an art academy based in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas, and is a constant ally of technology, since he also teaches subjects online from his academy.

He is a fervent lover of cartoons, especially those of Marvel. He is also an appreciator of culture and above all, colors.

If you want to see more of his works, you can enter his Instagram profile @Olivarescfc, where you can also find the link to his Binance profile in his Biography and discover more solo pieces.

The prices of his other works range from 294 to 452 BUSD so far, within the Binance marketplace.

Arepas: they become NFTs and enter Binance – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Another work present in the profile of Óscar Olivares in the Binance marketplace

How to buy these NFTs?

In this case, although there are no other works in NFT of the arepa within the Binance marketplace at the original price, apart from the "Golden Arepa" that is shown at auction, you will still wonder how to buy an NFT.

Binance has made it easy since the end of 2021, where it launched its marketplace for NFTs. To buy easily within this market, it is recommended that you create a Binance account, and that you keep the BNB (platform currency) or BUSD (dollar price token) tokens in your Wallet.

The task of looking for which specific work you want to buy is your own task, since you just have to touch the "Buy" button.

In auctions, it is also feasible and almost identically. Enter your account and put the money you want. Clearly the tokens must have a higher value than the current NFT price for the transaction to be effective.

NFTs is a very large market and there are also risks. It is very easy to lose money with digital art.

We do not recommend entering the market unless you already have knowledge of both this volatile market and pieces of art.
