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Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy

Cryptocurrencies to close the year by investing

6 min de lectura
Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Bitcoin and Alcoints

In this last year, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Solana, BNB, Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have become even more popular, among other very important ones.

Altcoins are alternative cryptocurrencies to the mother of all cryptos (Bitcoin), they are priced in the same way, everything varies with the value of supply and demand.

While the years continue to pass cryptocurrencies are having both boom and weight in the current world economy, large entrepreneurs are investing in these cryptocurrencies to perhaps increase their capital further through the stock market and the rule of buying and selling or of offer and demand.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Diversify your portfolio

With it, the new generations and new investors have given strength to alternative cryptocurrencies (Altcoin), remember that there are more than a thousand different cryptocurrencies with different values, for the same reason we will show you a list of the most striking Altcoin in the market for the closing of 2021.

Low-profile cryptocurrencies that will give a lot to talk about

If you are used to the most popular and renowned cryptocurrencies, they will surprise you. These are important Alcoints to invest in this last quarter of the year.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Investments to close the year


Alternative open source cryptocurrency, created based on bitcoins in order to make transactions much faster and more efficient.

It manages a solid administrative structure to solve the shortcomings of bitcoin. Slightly similar to the other currencies as it is managed by an organized autonomous decentralization.

What this means is that it is managed by a subset of users or “Master Nodes” which validates the Blockchain and validates the transactions.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Fast and efficient transactions


Although the EOS blockchain is very similar to Ethereum, it concentrates mostly on user interaction with the simpler blockchain.

On the other hand, there is no charge for transactions on this platform, since it is a server mainly for application developers, it is the system they use.

Since it is a decentralized system and handling smart contracts, the platform was created mainly for developers.

This implies that by acquiring these coins you are using servers with the aim of having a decentralized development and storage niche and smart contracting for business solutions.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
User interaction with the blockchain

Thus solving the difficulties of growth as it could present in other, more recognized blockchains. An example of this is bitcoin or Ethereum using “block producers”, a system similar to bitcoin mining and for this reason they maintain the blockchain and are rewarded with EOS coins.


For this platform, the objective is to have a high confidentiality and the possibility of tracking the sending or receiving location, since many cryptocurrencies use transparent transactions.

It means that our addresses can be traced and what the blockchain does is encrypt our address in such a way as to avoid tracking data.

Monero uses cryptography to prevent such tracking and potentially the link to our real identities, both sent and received. In this way the product amounts use a proof of work or reward system.

It is based on the creation of new coins to incentivize miners to validate and use this blockchain network.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Always confidentiality


The platform allows its users to digitize and automate asset management through contracts, the NEO is also known as the "Chinese Ethereum" since the Cryptocurrency is backed by said government, since it plans to establish such a platform as the leader of the blockchain being an important goal for an Altcoin.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, it is centralized, since when the client buys NEO they receive tokens as a previous issuance.

NEO owners have the right to make decisions with the network, including the possible maintenance of the blockchain through testing. They are rewarded with GAS a token issued by NEO.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
A prospect that aspires to growth

NEO holders do not have to make any more effort than to wait to earn more of these GAS tokens, to summarize the process NEOs generate GAS tokens. Used for smart contracts on the NEO platform. Create pressure on demand by increasing their price and making them attractive to users.

Stellar lumens

This Cryptocurrency platform that has a payment system that uses its own token.

It acts as an intermediary for international transactions, making these payments or transfers more efficient, since it has implemented its own network, the "Stellar Consensus Protocol." To improve your position in the face of possible competitions.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Intermediary of international transactions


This platform guarantees to be safe, since it uses a cryptography system, the same altcoin can be used to send and receive digital funds.

Thus, it allows fast and direct transfers thanks to the security system it has, this blockchain is the home of the ADA cryptocurrency.

Cardano seeks to offer a more advanced feature than any other platform and is the smart contract system, the protocol handles a flexible, scalable blockchain software that has been developed with centralized academic and commercial standards.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Sending and receiving digital funds


It is a decentralized application operating system platform based on blockchain.

This being the main objective of the Tron platform demonstrating that the internet can be used in a better way for everyone, allowing creators to directly sell their products or small progress instead of App with bases.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Decentralized application operating system

Chainlink (LINK)

Decentralized network of oracles that acts between different goods and systems outside the blockchain so that smart contracts interact with all real information in a friendly and secure way.

The creation of this platform had its origin in Ethereum, but Chainlink is independent of it, what's more, it is designed to work with various cryptocurrencies that handle the functional system of smart contracts.

Bitcoin and Altcoins are the new economy – Cryptocurrencies – WebMediums
Safe and friendly smart contracts

To avoid centralized failures, the same network does not depend on a single oracle, it consists of other independent ones that collectively and massively save data from different links, the token collected from the network is usually used to pay for operations within the chainlink network to ensure the accuracy of the service.
