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Are you obsessed with numbers?: You need to know what arithmomania is

The world of mania and compulsive disorders is very large, and it is curious how arithmomania is more common than it seems. The obsession with numbers is a disease that affects many people around the world, only in different degrees of intensity.
Some believe that it is mere superstition and in some cases it is, but many suffer from a disorder that affects their perception of life. It is not easy for those who suffer from the disorder in the acute phase, but to clarify any doubts, here you will learn everything about arithmomania.
Arithmomania an obsessive-compulsive disorder

This term is used to catalog a disorder where those affected feel a compulsion to count or develop rejection of certain numbers. It is considered an OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) quite harmful, since it affects general behavior.
Those affected suffer from an obsession that makes them develop negative thoughts where they feel that they will be affected if they do not count. This leads them to act compulsively by counting objects, activities, words, and even their own breaths.
Arithmomania can take various forms in terms of its manifestations and the rejection of certain numbers is very common. They can feel safe only if they are surrounded by even numbers and at risk if it is the opposite.
Some keep performing calculations constantly, either mentally or in writing, and evaluate everything around them based on their mathematical operations. This conflict becomes a big problem, which prevents those who suffer from it from developing a normal life.
What are the most common symptoms of arithmomania?
As for symptoms, like any other compulsive disorder, anxiety is one of the first manifestations that is reflected.
In general, people with this problem have nervous behavior and find it difficult to relate to others.
They may suffer violent reactions if they are prevented from doing their counting or the activity that relieves their obsession. They live experiencing constant fear, since their negative thoughts make them feel deep fear.
They also become isolated or depressed as a manifestation of what they are going through. The manifestations of this disorder are very diverse, but the most common are those that we present below.
Execute actions a certain number of times: This point is based on simple activities such as washing your face with soap 2 times, tying your shoes 3 times and the like, the idea is to meet a desired numerical figure.
Make calculations: The individual is immersed in a constant execution of mathematical operations, according to their knowledge, their complexity will be, this can range from additions and subtractions to complicated equations.
Count the words within their reach: They can count while they see others speak, count the words they see written or even count their letters. This makes them focus only on counting even when you are talking to them.
Count the objects around you: It is based on counting any object, be it the tiles, the window panes or the figures of the prints on the walls.
Fear a number: Not superstitiously, they do this based on the fact that they require their activities or actions to coincide with a specific number, otherwise they feel scared.
Causes of this disorder
As with many other OCDs it is not always possible to determine a specific cause, as mental disorders are driven by multiple motives.
The origin of this conflict in many cases could be due to genetics or experiencing some trauma.
How does arithmomania affect a person's life?

When talking about this problem, we are faced with a psychological disorder that prevents a person from developing a completely normal rhythm of life. Those who suffer from it are often affected in the following areas of development.
Impediment to job development
In any job, fulfilling tasks and obligations is required, but if a person is limited to avoiding certain numbers or doing the same activity too many times, they will not be able to perform their functions at the required pace.
Another factor is concentration, if your mind is busy doing counts or calculations that have nothing to do with the task you are performing, it is very likely that you will not finish your work.
Your ability to relate is limited
If you're constantly in awe of following through on your mind's calculations and your mind is busy counting, it's very difficult to relate. People with this conflict tend to isolate themselves, since most do not understand how they perceive things.
Not being able to focus on anyone but themselves, any type of relationship will suffer. Taking them even to be in places surrounded by other people, but with their minds outside of themselves.
produces depression
When the conflict reaches acute levels, the affected person often experiences strong depressive symptoms as he or she is unable to perform in different scenarios.
The fear caused by negative thoughts is another factor that drives your state of depression.
What to do to face it?

To determine that the disorder really exists, it should start with a psychological consultation. Through the professional evaluation, the medication requirement and the phases of therapy that are required for its treatment will be analyzed.
This treatment is a process that requires patience, since it is necessary for the patient to learn to face the negative thoughts that cause anxiety. It is not an easy task, but it will give very favorable results as it progresses.
Superstition is often confused
As a last detail that is worth considering, is that this disorder has nothing to do with numerical superstition, which is very common in some cultures. In different environments it is normal that there is a rejection of numbers such as 13 and 17 or that they favor 7 and 5.
All this corresponds to explanations and cultural backgrounds that give meaning to his superstition, but arithmomania OCD is a real problem and much more complex than a superstitious fear.