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Know the risks of getting piercings

6 min de lectura

Aesthetic piercings and famous piercings have been on the scene for years for those looking to decorate their body, with something a little more permanent and risky. It is not necessary to go to the origins of this practice, but it is valid to note that it is nothing new.

Some put them on for fashion or to fit into certain scenarios, but regardless of the motivation, it is still dangerous.

It is never simple when we talk about introducing objects to the body, so if you plan to put one on, take into account some factors.

What does it mean to put on a piercing?

Know the risks of getting piercings – Curiosities – WebMediums
What medically represents to place a piercing

We do not speak in terms of aesthetics, spirituality or symbolism, but in medical, health and development terms. Placing a piercing literally represents opening a hole in the skin, and you should know that in the vast majority of cases anesthesia is not applied.

The jewel you decide to put on will become part of your figure, since when you do not use it, the empty space will possibly be noticed.

The process for you to get used to wearing the piercing will be more uncomfortable depending on where you put it on.

If you decide to wear it, you should be aware that in certain work settings it is prohibited to use them if they are visible. And the care and cleaning of the area where the jewel is located must be constant or you can get infected.

You should also learn to be more tactful, since these types of accessories get tangled up easily and often cause accidents. Do not take wearing a piercing lightly, in simple words, it is a piece of jewelry that dangles from the sensitivity of your skin.

Problems that can occur when getting a piercing

Know the risks of getting piercings – Curiosities – WebMediums
Problems that can occur when getting a piercing

Apart from the problems that it can cause you, if you are not of the correct age or authorization to do so, there are a series of risks that apply to all cases. The main risks when placing a piercing are the following.

get an infection

It happens more often than is believed and in most cases they are associated with establishments not complying with the corresponding sanitary standards.

There is also the scenario that care recommendations for healing are not followed.

An infection can cause pain, redness, swelling, and even fever and malaise. Any of these symptoms is reason enough to visit the doctor.

experience an allergic reaction

The vast majority are thinking about aesthetics and not about compatibility with the piercing that is going to be placed. It is very easy to be allergic to the material of the jewel, care products such as antiseptic or the instruments used to place them.

An element known as nickel is active in a large number of jewelry and costume jewelry products, it turns out that a large part of the population is allergic to it.

catch some disease

This is a risk that is present in any surgical intervention and piercings do not escape this. From reused needles, to spaces without sterilization, they are the cause of contagion of all kinds of diseases.

To put on an accessory of this type, you must go to a specialized center that meets all health standards and guarantees your safety.

What are the most sensitive and risky areas to get a piercing?

Know the risks of getting piercings – Curiosities – WebMediums
Sensitive and risky areas to get pierced

Pierced ears are not the same as piercing the edge of the lip, depending on where we want to place the piercing, the process will be more delicate and dangerous. I will show you the most risky areas below, but it is not recommended to drill them and we will tell you why.

The belly button

This is a highly sensitive area, and despite the fact that many people pierce it, it is one of the areas that gets infected faster. The navel has a low blood flow, therefore, it is one of the areas that takes the longest to heal and heal.

Another factor against it is its location, the piercings in this area are the ones that get tangled up with clothing.

the genital area

There are all kinds of occurrences regarding drilling in these areas and they are not sensible at all. Piercings in these areas are responsible for injuries, urinary infections, disease transmission and all kinds of embarrassing and painful accidents.

This type of piercing is one of the least recommended, since the sensitivity of the genital area is quite high.


Piercings in it are very common, but it is also common to produce dental hypersensitivity, enamel deterioration and allergic reactions.

They come to hinder the pronunciation of some words and are one of the most risky areas of infection.

The mouth internally is full of moisture, heat and many other elements, which makes it another extra sensitive area. It is not at all recommended to pierce the tongue, over time it could cause serious consequences.

medical reality

Certainly, many people find this aesthetic modification great, many people get pierced every day and no problem occurs. But, on the other hand, a study revealed that 20% of people who get a piercing have some complication.

Some symptoms are simple and disappear quickly, but other cases turn into a nightmare.

Whoever decides to wear an accessory in this way must be very clear that in a certain way they risk their health and peace of mind.

Final recommendations for getting a piercing

If you are determined to put an accessory on your skin, then try to do it as safely as possible.

  • Start by locating a center that is certified and that meets all health standards, these are usually more expensive.

  • Do not save at the expense of putting your health at risk, most of the places that offer very low costs for these perforations do not certify your safety or comply with regulations.

  • Another important factor is your state of health the day you are going to put it on. If you have any discomfort, infection, cold or any other complication, it is best to postpone the appointment for another date and avoid complications.

  • Finally, if you suffer from any pathology, evaluate with your doctor if this intervention will not cause you problems.

  • Whatever your motivation for getting a piercing, remember that nothing is worth more than your health, so pay attention to the advice and get good advice from the specialist so as not to present risks.

