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Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?

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Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?
Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?

Moles are undoubtedly a small hallmark in our anatomy, since we all have one in some part of our body. For many, moles are irrelevant, they are hidden and do not represent discomfort, but for others they are a problem.

These bumps that appear on the skin there is no way to determine exactly where they will appear. Therefore, on many occasions it ends up being a major aesthetic problem, which leads many to find a way to eliminate them.

But, can moles be a more serious problem than the aesthetic one? Not all cases are the same, and for this reason I invite you to discover everything about these peculiar marks on our body.

What are moles?

Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?
What are moles?

It seems that it is something very simple to define, but the truth is that between freckles, warts and moles, most people get confused.

Certainly, they tend to be quite similar and it is not easy to get the definition right, but their concepts will help us to do so.


Technically known as melanocytic nevi, they are basically clusters of cells that have pigmentation. You can be born possessing them or they can appear between the first 30 years of life, their location, size and color is very varied.

These can appear minutely and increase over time, they are considered harmless, but if there are a large number of them, it is an alarm signal.


They are also known as freckles and are a rich manifestation of brown or reddish-colored spots that appear in exposed areas.

In general they are benign and are not always permanent, sun exposure is one of their triggers.

It is very common to see them in people with white skin, their most frequent areas are the face, hands and back. Red-haired people are very likely to have them.


This term is used medically for bumps caused by the human papillomavirus.

Its manifestation is notorious and they appear in any part of the body, they can also be spread to other people through contact.

Those who usually see large moles call them warts, but this does not mean that they are. Its size is irrelevant, this does not determine that it is actually a wart and not a nevus.

When are moles risky?

Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?
Melanoma Risks

These types of bumps are mostly benign and only represent an aesthetically favorable or unfavorable posture.

But when its appearance is excessive, it could be a sign of a type of cancer known as melanoma.

This is considered the most risky type of skin cancer that exists, since it causes an excessive production of malignant moles throughout the body. Its growth and multiplication is very fast, and it can even cause death if left untreated.

Another alarm signal is having moles with unusual shapes and colors, these are called atypical nevi. In general, those who have them are more prone to the appearance of melanoma, so they should be examined promptly by a dermatologist.

The problems caused by moles can be treated effectively if they are attacked early in their initial phases. So without the need to panic, if you have moles with the characteristics mentioned above, you should get a checkup.

How are moles removed?

To begin with, the first thing you should do is go to a consultation with a specialist who will determine exactly which bump you have.

After this, based on a favorable diagnosis, you can resort to the following methods to eliminate them.

  • Excision surgery: It consists of a mild surgical intervention that is applied mostly to flat moles that have a mass under the skin, these are completely removed and the cut area is sutured.

  • Cryotherapy removal: This is applied by using liquid nitrogen to destroy the cells, thus removing the mole completely. It only runs under approved medical evaluation.

  • Laser extraction: It is considered one of the most common and effective, especially if favorable aesthetic results are sought. The laser is responsible for vaporizing the mass that makes up the mole until it is at skin level.

  • Shaving: Consists of making a razor-style surgical cut at the base of the mole, removing it from the skin.

These are some of the safest techniques applied worldwide, but there are many other methods. Something that you can not forget is that before using any other suggestion, you must first make the diagnosis or you can worsen your condition.

Should I worry about removing moles from my body?

Moles: Are they harmful or do they only affect aesthetically?
remove moles

You must make this decision by evaluating some factors, which will help you determine how necessary their removal is if they are not malignant moles.

A mole does not represent shame or imperfection, but keeping it or removing it depends on your perception.

Removal for cosmetic reasons

Some moles are considered an aesthetic attribute, even a symbol of sensuality, several famous people have shown them. But when the mole is located in areas that diminish our appearance, it may be appropriate to remove them.

If their volume and color are excessive, and they are located in areas that do not favor us, it is a reasonable option to eliminate them, especially if we do not feel comfortable with our image.

Removal for practical reasons

Moles appear anywhere, some are favored by their location, but others are greatly hindered by them. If your mole is in an area of your body where it represents discomfort, it is best to remove it.

The intimate areas, the hands, the feet and the areas near the eyes, mouth and ears are some of the places where a mole can interfere the most.

Removal for emotional reasons

Nevi are often the subject of ridicule or criticism that can affect our childhood. Many have the strength to ignore the attacks and are not affected by the opinions of others, but still choose to eliminate them because they give them bad memories.

There is no shame in having a mole, but if its removal contributes to emotional stability, then it should be removed.

Fun fact about moles

While there are those who are looking to get rid of them, there are those who wish to possess them in certain areas of their body.

Several iconic figures, over the years, gave a special place to moles as symbols of mischief and sensuality among them.

  • Madonna.

  • Marilyn Monroe.

  • Cindy Crawford.

  • Shell Velasco.

  • Elizabeth Taylor.

  • Eve Mendez.

These are some of the divas who have been responsible for popularizing their application, leading many to even tattoo moles in search of imitating them.

On the other hand, cosmetic manufacturers did not miss the opportunity and developed products to imitate them.


