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Should you worry about the appearance of silverfish in your house?

These animals usually appear in the house in various humid places, scientifically they are called Lepisma Saccharina

3 min de lectura
Should you worry about the appearance of silverfish in your house?
Lepisma saccharina or silverfish

These bugs usually appear in the bathroom or in damp places in the house, such as the bottom of the closet. This animal usually appears where there is a lot of humidity and attracts new insects and mites. Therefore, it is important to get an effective solution to eliminate them.

Also, it is the animal of libraries. He likes to live in old newspapers, books, papers. It is completely harmless, does not contaminate food, does not transmit diseases.

Yes, it usually causes damage to textiles and stored books. They feed on the products used to make books and the paint used in the drawings.

Also known as the moisture bug

This is not an unexpected insect that feeds on natural matter made up of starch and different polysaccharides (cardboard, paper cellulose, shape, sugars, tissue remains, hair).

His appearance is very particular. It is gray and elongated, like a centipede, but thinner. It has up to 12 millimeters in length, two long antennae on the top of its head and three appendages on its top. Their lifespan is from two to eight years. They cant fly.

It is constantly found in dark and damp spaces, so it is not unexpected to find it near the opening of bathtubs or sinks. It can also appear at the opening of kitchen drain waste.

In any case, you will never think that they are where there are continuous beams of light, so they could also build their place of residence in the furniture of the home, in the back or under it assuming there are any pipes nearby.

In case they realize they were discovered, they will hide in the seam of the tiles, under the furniture or in the bathroom pipes.

What should be done if you are already at home?

It is important that the space where it is, try to keep it constantly ventilated. In case your visit is long, the following should be taken into account:

  • Have constant ventilation of your house

  • Moisture is your best friend, so you should avoid it. When you finish showering, leave the doors and windows open so that the place is ventilated

  • Seal cracks in floor tiles with concrete, not silicone (they ingest it and take it for food)

  • Clean with water, ammonia or bleach (chlorine)

  • Splash with ethyl alcohol the area where you have located the insect

  • Use boric acid in the joints (be careful with this element if you have pets)

  • Use diatomaceous earth: spread it around the area and when the bug gets close to it, it will dry up and kill it.
