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The best science fiction books for young and old
Books that will take you to dystopian worlds and parallel universes

Reading is a journey of the imagination through the letters, which take you to thousands of places, situations, and emotions, making you live a unique and fascinating moment; especially when it comes to science fiction books.
The science fiction genre manages to amalgamate various elements of our human nature, with scenarios that seem impossible; but that on numerous occasions, are related to scientific studies, which can become a reality.
On this occasion, we bring you some of the best science fiction books for teenagers, although they can also be enjoyed by adults, where you will experience wars against alien civilizations, mind control, or post-apocalyptic scenarios.
Discover the magic of reading with these 10 science fiction books for young people
1. The War of the Worlds, H. G. Wells

This science fiction book is one of the classics of literature, which despite having been written at the end of the 19th century, its narration, plot and way of being written, make the reader quickly connect with the author.
The novel is based on an alien invasion in the United States, with a narrator who, along with other townspeople, decide to arm themselves to deal with this alien incursion.
The book has had some adaptations in the cinema, in addition to having starred in two curious but unfortunate events.
In 1938 in the United States, and later, in 1949 in Bolivia, the book was narrated during the night hours, without pointing out that it was a fictional event, causing panic in the population.
Some armed themselves in the mountains, others died, and all were frightened; leaving proof of the narrative power of this science fiction book.
2. Ubik, Philip. K. Dick

Science fiction often drinks from philosophy, either in the questioning of what is real, or when it comes to dystopian worlds; In this sense, Philip Dick's best seller has these characteristics, and much more.
It is about a character who participates in a corporate espionage network, who make trips outside the earth, and must keep anti-psychic spies at bay, who discover a powerful substance that could help them, called Ubik.
During the narration of this science fiction book, you will not know how to distinguish the real from the unreal, reality from fiction, making this book one of the best in the genre.
3. 1984, George Orwell

If we talk about dystopia, the unlimited power of the government, the control of the mind by the powerful, in a society with a high level of technology, where there is also room for love; 1984 by George Orwell, is one of the books that cannot be missed.
It was written in the 1940s, by this British writer, who through his work, wanted to draw the attention of a world that increasingly seems more viable; a world with a society controlled through the use of technology, by its own government.
4. Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

Without a doubt, Ready Player One is one of the best science fiction books for teenagers, with which they can quickly feel identified, reading the story of a post-apocalyptic world, and how young Parzival lives it.
The novel is set in the year 2044, when oil has run out, and the world is in total chaos; In this order of things, there is a virtual game called OASIS, in which several people spend a large part of their day to day.
One of the regular players is our protagonist, Parzival, who once the creator of the game dies, will leave a series of secrets ( easter eggs, or easter eggs) that players must discover; being Parzival, the first to decipher the first clue.
It is an interesting book that has had its adaptation in the cinema, and has become over time, one of the best science fiction books for young people.
5. Atlantia, Ally Condie

Ally Condie's Atlantia becomes a good science fiction book for teenagers, whose plot and title are reminiscent of one of the most interesting myths in history; the lost city of Atlantis.
In this novel by Ally Condie, Atlantia is an underwater city that was created after the surface was rendered uninhabitable by pollution ; this being a place where chosen people lived, like Rio the young protagonist, her sister Bay, along with her mother.
The story begins when the mother dies, probably the victim of a murder, both sisters having to perform a ritual, in which Bay decides to go to the surface; From there, a search for the truth by Rio begins, where he will discover thousands of secrets in Atlantia.
6. I am Number Four, Pittacus Lore

Among the youth science fiction books, I am Number Four, has a special place, thanks to its plot, the protagonists and history; In addition to being a book, it was adapted to film.
This science fiction book is part of a series, known as The Lorien Legacies, which spans seven books in all.
The plot of the book is about the story of John Smith, one of the nine planetary guardians, who is persecuted by the enemies of his planet, to maintain his power.
The planet was called Lorien and was annihilated by the Mogadorians, who seek to catch John Smith, who is accompanied by his guardian and a girl who will become his girlfriend.
It is an exciting story of science fiction, love, and some hilarious situations, with which many young people have felt identified, becoming one of the best science fiction books for teenagers.
7. The Fifth Wave, Rick Yancey

The Fifth Wave has become a classic of youth literature, which has also been made into a movie, and has a base of teenage readers around the world.
It all begins with five waves of alien attacks, which after the third wave, only the luckiest and strongest had survived.
In the fourth and fifth waves, the survivors do not trust each other, and this is what happens to Cassie, when she meets a young man who is desperately looking for his brother, having to make a decision, between staying alone or joining. this new partner.
8. Pluto's Moon I and II, Dross

Dross has become in recent years one of the best Latin American youtubers, with his particular way of narrating stories, the excellent editing of his videos, along with his particular style; that have led him to receive great recognition, such as the Martín Fierro award.
However, the Venezuelan youtuber is not only content with his millions of subscribers on the internet, but has also had a major foray into the literary world, with several bestsellers that will intrigue and disturb you, transporting you to incredible places and interesting facts.
Pluto's Moon was the author's first big hit, about a young woman named Claudia, who, along with a young man named Knaach, end up unleashing a galactic war with profound consequences, both personally and universally.
In his second installment, Ysaak's War, Dross immerses us in a utopian world without wars or selfishness, until an unexpected event changes the whole situation.
A young man with special powers named Hathor must fight against one of the most powerful beings in the universe, to avoid the sad end of that utopian planet, called Yóvedi.
Without a doubt, these books written by Dross are one of the best gifts, if you want to give a science fiction book for teenagers.
9. Solaris, Stanislaw Lem

Solaris is a literary classic that has been made into a movie three times, in addition to having influenced numerous movies and television series, since its publication in 1961.
The Russians, and particularly the Soviet Russians, developed not only interesting theories about life on other worlds, but excellent science fiction books, such as Solaris by Stanislaw Lem.
This story in particular is about an ocean located on a planet that has its own intelligence, taking each of the participants in its investigation to places inside their minds that lead to madness, fear and despair.
Through the resource of this literary work, Lem philosophizes about the life of other worlds, about what makes us human, and about the power of the mind within us.
10. Neuromancer, William Gibson

Neuromancer is one of the most important cult science fiction books of the end of the 20th century, with references to a dystopian world, which seems feasible today, more than in the year 1984, when it was published.
It is considered the origin of the Cyberpunk genre, and the inspiration for numerous movies and television series, which have found in Neuromancer, the inspiration to develop their creations.
In the world of Neuromancer It is common to find hackers, masks to protect themselves from contamination, and the use of toxins to change the nervous system of people.
This classic by William Gibson is one of the best science fiction books in history, and as the years go by, it becomes more appealing.