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Home remedies to make your hair grow and shine
Discover how you can have a golden curtain effect with these ingredients that we have at home

We all want our hair to speak for itself, have a personality, and clearly make us look beautiful.
Many women are fortunate enough to do nothing to make their hair look nourished and healthy, but for obvious reasons hair must be cared for and maintained.
Because healthy and cared for hair is hair that will grow much faster. So if we want to see him grow, we have to give him love.
This comes as a result of the damage to which we expose it daily, although they may not seem even important, they are decisive to show off dazzling hair or hair with pins, dry and dull. It's your choice.
For this reason we share several homemade recipes that you can start to make two or once a week, to bring your hair back to life, and this is your most notable physical characteristic.
Avocado hair treatment

As we have already talked about this multifaceted fruit, it is a little easier for us to recommend other recipes that have avocado oil, pulp or seed, to make your hair have an outstanding vitality.
In addition to the fact that each one of what is offered by avocado you can always mix it with what suits you best.
Although remember that because it is a totally natural remedy, it does not have preservatives. It is better that if you are going to do it, you only do an amount for the application, do not save for tomorrow or for three days, because it will be damaged.
The function of these remedies is to improve dry or damaged hair. It is much easier if these masks are applied to slightly wet and disinherited hair.
Avocado Remedy with Coconut Oil
Use the avocado pulp and mash it with a cutlery in a container
Add a tablespoon of coconut oil
Mix until dissolved
Apply from root to end
Leave to act between 20 or 30 minutes
Wash normally.
Avocado Remedy with Lemon and Honey
After crushing the avocado pulp add a tablespoon of honey
Mix until well together
Add the juice of one lemon and mix again
Massage the hair to apply it to its entire length
Wait 15-20 minutes for it to act
Wash with your normal shampoo, until you feel that there is no remainder of this remedy.

Tips to grow your hair faster
1. If you are a smoker, that makes your hair break easier and weaker. So if you want to have a thick mane, the first thing is not to smoke.
2. Comb the hair as much as you can, do not let the hair get knotted for a long time, as the hair will be placed like a ball, it will break, and you will not want to grow like that.
3. Massage the scalp for at least 3 minutes. That stimulates growth.
4. Collect hair, either in high or woven ponytails. Remembering that they should not be so tight.
5. Maintain a good diet, take more vitamins.
6. Moisturize your hair.

Home remedies to grow thick and fast hair
We not only want it to grow fast, but to grow healthy, and above all shiny, without the forks bothering us due to their accelerated lengthening. That is why you will love these recipes, because that is exactly what you will achieve by applying them constantly.
Sure, without exceeding its use.

This plant, in addition to making us cry, has the power to accelerate the growth of your mane.
A widely used remedy is to cut it into pieces and place it in the container of your regular shampoo. Quiet the smell will not remain in your head.

This will also be placed in the shampoo, serving as an exfoliator. Ground coffee, not done.
We recommend that this time you do not use your usual shampoo for the task, but another one. Since coffee leaves its clumps on the scalp, and you will have to find another product to remove them completely, that is, you need two shampoos.
One with coffee and another normal, using it as often as you wash your hair.
This remedy will serve you only if you do not have an oily scalp, because if it is in this way, using this trick to make your hair grow strong and abundant will be counterproductive.
You can use oils like: coconut oil, olive oil, apple oil, avocado oil.
You just have to place a little in your palm, spread it and massage your entire head with your fingers. Remember not to overdo it, it is only a few drops of oil.
This will not only stimulate growth, it will make it shine.
Aloe vera
In this mask you will only need the aloe vera crystal, with which you will massage all your hair and let it rest for about 20 minutes to wash your hair as you normally would. This natural remedy will also help you with dandruff and dryness.
Try any of these masks or beauty secrets once or twice a week. And don't mix them all daily. Wait for your hair to also rest on so many vitamins.
After all we do these hair treatments, also to relax.
Enjoy them and take good care and remember to drink water. The part of feeling beautiful is also being healthy, your hair will know and show that you are.