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A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe

6 min de lectura
A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Christmas gingerbread cookies

Gingerbread cookies are typical of the Christmas season in many countries, especially in North America. In fact, there is nothing more Christmassy than the smell of gingerbread cookies flooding the house and eating them on the eve of Christmas Eve.

These cookies are very simple to make, and then we will explain how to make them. In addition, we offer you some additional recommendations so that the cookies are perfect for you and enjoy them with your children.

Christmas gingerbread cookies ingredients

  • 50 cc of Water

  • 150 grams of black sugar

  • 50 grams of honey

  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger

  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

  • 1 teaspoon cloves

  • 10 grams of baking soda

  • 150 grams of Butter / Butter without salt

  • 400 grams of All-purpose or non-leavening wheat flour (the most refined you can get)

Steps for making Christmas gingerbread cookies

Note: We will divide the cookie-making process into several phases.

Making the dough for the cookies

  1. Heat the water in a saucepan over medium heat on the stove.

  2. Place 50 cc of water in a large bowl, followed by 150 grams of black sugar, 50 grams of honey and a heaping tablespoon of powdered ginger, a cinnamon and a clove.

  3. Beat the mixture very well until you get a homogeneous dough.

  4. Place the bowl in a double boiler so that the black sugar melts. While the sugar is melting, ideally, beat with a whisk. We will do this until we notice that all the ingredients have melted and united in a homogeneous mixture.

  5. Add 10 grams of baking soda and continue beating while it integrates and continues to cook. Once you notice that it spins and goes down again while you continue beating, remove from the heat.

  6. In a separate bowl, place the butter in a bowl and then strain the mixture from the previous step, dropping the liquid into the bowl.

  7. Grab the electric mixer and start whipping the mixture to cool it down in the process.

  8. Once you have a homogeneous and cold mixture, add the flour, previously sifting it and dropping the sifted flour into the bowl.

  9. Begin mixing with the help of a trowel to integrate the flour into the mixture.

A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Cookie dough

Roll out the dough and cut the cookies

  1. While the dough is not hydrated, place transparent plastic paper on the base to stretch the dough.

  2. Divide the dough in two and place the dough on the plastic wrap and place another layer of plastic wrap on the dough.

  3. With the help of a rolling pin, roll out the dough until it is three millimeters thick.

  4. Place the dough stretched between the two plastic wrap on a plate and then place a layer of butter paper on top. The latter is to make it easier to remove the mass from the plates.

  5. Repeat steps two through four with the second half of the dough and place another plate on top.

  6. Take the dough to the refrigerator and chill for an hour and a half until it is easy to handle.

  7. Take the first stretched dough, remove a layer of the plastic wrap and with the help of some cookie molds, cut the shapes.

  8. Place the cut cookies on the cookie sheets.

A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Cut the cookies

Bake the cookies

  1. Return the cookies to the freezer for 90 minutes as soon as you place them on the plate.

  2. After ninety minutes, remove the cookies from the freezer and immediately place the cookies in the preheated 180 °C oven. Let them bake for 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, lower the temperature to 100 °C for 3 minutes.

A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Baking cookies

Decorate the cookies

  1. Place an egg white, three teaspoons of lemon juice and 250 grams of sifted powdered sugar in a bowl.

  2. With the help of an electric mixer, beat all the ingredients until you get a desired consistency. The sweet spot of the frosting will depend on your personal taste, but it is best if it is a little creamy and falls easily.

  3. Add the coloring of your preference and continue beating so that it is consistent throughout the mixture.

  4. Place the mixture in a pastry bag with the adapter and spout of your choice.

  5. Place the cookies on a flat surface and decorate one by one as you like. Do not forget to first try the pastry bag separately to avoid ruining the design of your cookies.

  6. Once finished, serve on a plate with hot cocoa or warm milk and enjoy.

A Unique Christmas Gingerbread Cookie Recipe – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Decorating cookies

Recommendations and tips for perfect gingerbread cookies

  • You will need a bowl or saucepan that you can take to a bain-marie. If you do it in a glass bowl, you should start heating the water together with the bowl, but if you will do it with a steel or steel bowl, it will not be necessary.

  • In case you can't find black sugar in your local stores, you can use brown sugar.

  • To strain the freshly made mixture in a double boiler, remember to use a steel strainer.

  • Remember that when transferring the bain-marie mixture to the butter, the butter must be cold.

  • Take into account that the dough should be stretched while it is hot and without hydrating, otherwise it will be more difficult to stretch.

  • It is better to calculate the number of cookies that you can cut with one of the stretched doughs. You can place the molds on the dough, but without cutting and marking the space to ensure a good distribution of the dough.

  • It is vital that when cutting the cookies, the dough is very cold and that you work it very quickly, as it heats up quickly.

  • You can keep the cookies in an airtight container for up to ten days after you've finished them.

Gingerbread cookies are a Christmas classic that kids and adults alike love and enjoy. That is why we recommend you try to make this recipe at home and surprise all your family, friends or loved ones with this delicious Christmas snack.
