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Benefits of milk magnesia

4 min de lectura
Benefits of milk magnesia – Gastronomy – WebMediums

Perhaps the biggest memory you have with milk of magnesia is that your mother made you drink it when you had digestion problems, constipation, and yes, this is one of the most frequent uses of this product.

However, milk of magnesia has a series of external benefits, which perhaps have not been given the importance they deserve, precisely this post is aimed at introducing you to all the benefits of milk of magnesia.

What is milk of magnesia?

It is as its name can refer, a product derived from magnesium, this is an antacid that works by increasing the stomach pH, magnesium hydroxide is not only used to counteract heartburn, but also to deal with constipation problems.

What are the properties of milk of magnesia?

Magnesium hydroxide is one of the main components of this product, however, depending on the commercial brand of magnesia milk you buy, its composition may vary, but its generic properties are:

  • It has a high content of vitamin A and C, vitamins that others are emphasizing, are essential to make the skin look radiant.

  • In addition to magnesium, milk of magnesia contains other minerals such as phosphorus and calcium.

  • It does not have many carbohydrates, and its fatty acids and sugars are also low.

Aesthetic uses for milk of magnesia

Benefits of milk magnesia – Gastronomy – WebMediums

Yes, although it may seem incredible to you, this product that many came to hate as children, has incredible aesthetic benefits, among which the most stand out:

  • Mattifying effect, so it is ideal for people who have oily skin, if you want to end the unsightly shine on your face that your oily skin generates, the answer is in milk magnesia. In addition, thanks to the degreasing effect that milk of magnesia has, you can combat dandruff, applying it to the scalp and performing massages.

  • It helps to reduce the problems of open pores, due to its alkaline properties, another of the benefits of milk of magnesia is that it reduces the size of the pores, this in turn prevents external agents from clogging them.

  • Combat the problems of seborrheic dermatitis, by applying magnesium hydroxide on the area affected by seborrheic dermatitis, such as the skin of the chin, face and scalp, at least twice a day, you will be fighting the symptoms of this condition such as; irritation and redness.

  • It is an incredible antiperspirant deodorant, just apply it on the armpits, and it can also help soothe the skin after hours of heat stroke.

  • It has a moisturizing effect on the skin, thanks to its high content of vitamin A.

  • It lightens the spots on the skin that can be generated by hormonal changes during pregnancy, or by the sun.

  • It helps to relieve burns, due to its high content of vitamin C, which allows it to hydrate damaged skin, many people use it as a complement to a burn treatment, since it also promotes tissue regeneration.

How can milk of magnesium be used?

Now that you are clear about all the benefits of milk of magnesia, we are sure that you are interested in learning the best way to use it, so just keep reading.

In case you want to take advantage of the anti-grease benefits, then you should only apply a few drops of milk of magnesium on a cotton ball once you have done your conventional facial cleansing routine, and apply the product on the forehead, nose and chin, since, they are the parts of the face where the greater amount of fat tends to accumulate.

It is important that you use it in small quantities, you will see how it generates a matte effect on your face that can last up to 5 hours.

You can use the same method of applying milk of magnesium to treat other types of skin conditions, and in case you want to combat dandruff, massage the scalp for a few minutes, once you have applied some milk of magnesia.

Precautions with the use of milk of magnesia

This product has been designed to treat conditions of stomach origin, and although it has shown incredible results to deal with other types of conditions such as the ones we have detailed, it is necessary that you make use of milk of magnesia, taking the appropriate precautions.

Try it little by little on your skin, to rule out that it does not generate any type of allergic reaction.

In case your skin is normal, or combination, it can cause problems of dryness, and even irritation.

When used in excess, milk of magnesia can clog pores, so always keep an eye on the amounts, ideally using a cotton ball that is slightly damp with the product to apply it.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Beneficios de la leche magnesia
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Graduada universitaria (Profesora de Ciencias) y redactora de páginas webs y nichos desde hace más de 6 años.

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