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Chocolate crown for kings

The arrival of kings is approaching and many of us usually prepare a roscón or crown for this date. This time I bring you a comfortable version of a classic sweet, a chocolate crown.
For those who like chocolate, a great idea has been solved to celebrate the closing of the Christmas season. This recipe includes a creamy topping that will make it even more delicious.
This dessert will delight the most chocolatiers, since we will give a Christmas touch to a delicious chocolate cake with a creamy topping by baking it in the shape of a crown.
For decoration
4 tablespoons of water.
200 grams of dark chocolate.
100 grams of butter.
For the cake
2 tablespoons of hot water.
4 eggs
2 tablespoons of cocoa.
225 grams of butter in cream.
16 grams of yeast.
225 grams of white sugar.
5 grams of butter for the mold.
225 grams of flour.

Preparation of the chocolate crown for kings
For the cake
Start by heating the oven to 180 °C.
Grease and flour the mold. This should be about 22 centimeters in diameter.
In a bowl, mix the cake ingredients, minus the water and the cocoa.
Beat until smooth.
Half of the mixture, you must add it to the mold with ladles.
Now, we combine the cocoa and hot water in a bowl.
We add the rest of the batter to the mold and with a spatula we level the amount of it on the surface.
We take to the oven for 30 minutes at 180 °C.
To decorate
We chop the chocolate into small pieces. Now, we add them to a container when the water is lukewarm and butter carried ointment.
Then, the bowl with the mixture should be taken to a saucepan with water to heat in a double boiler until the chocolate is completely melted.
When the crown is ready, remove from the oven and wait for it to cool.
Being warm, we bathe with a layer of chocolate and wait for it to dry and decorate as you see fit. And voilà!

The preparation of the crowns can vary from region to region, so it is possible to prepare the combination that you like the most. You can even think about making filled crowns.
Whether alone or accompanied by a sweet bath, or with pieces of fruit, candy or nuts, these recipes are a total delusion for the palate.
Go ahead and prepare these crowns that will brighten the days of many, as it is a dessert so rich that it enchants young and old alike.