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Gypsy arms with seafood filling

Sara Manaure
4 min de lectura

If you have not yet decided with which dish to celebrate this Christmas, I bring you an incredible idea to celebrate this Christmas Eve. It is a gypsy arm stuffed with seafood.

Gypsy arms with seafood filling – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Gipsy arm.

Thanks to its ingredients and its easy preparation, you can make the gypsy arm the day before, having more time for the arrangements prior to the arrival of the guests.

One of the characteristics of this recipe is that the gypsy arm will be salty, so you can enjoy an interesting interaction of flavors between the sweetness of the sponge cake and the salty of the filling. For its filling, a few pieces of crabs and prawns were taken into account, which turn out to be one of the most accessible, economically speaking.

So know the details of this fantastic recipe so that you can delight everyone on the eve of Christmas Eve.


For this recipe we must prepare a few parts, the first is the cake as such, the second will be the filling and finally the decoration.

For the sponge cake for the gypsy arm

  • 1 teaspoon yeast

  • 4 eggs

  • 120 grams of flour

  • 90 grams of sugar

For the seafood filling

  • Cocktail or rose sauce

  • 10 crab sticks

  • 1/4 kg of prawns

Gypsy arms with seafood filling – Gastronomy – WebMediums

For decoration

  • Lumpus roe

  • Cocktail sauce or pink sauce

  • Prawns

Salty gypsy arm recipe

For the cake

  • As a first step we must beat the eggs with the sugar so that they grow.

  • Then, we incorporate the flour and yeast with a trowel.

  • When everything is integrated, we take the mixture to a large rectangular oiled and floured tray. You can use parchment paper if you wish.

  • Bake for 10 minutes at 180 °C. Keep in mind that this is not like a normal cake, so when you notice that the edges have browned, take out and check if it is already cooked.

  • While the cake is on, place a clean, damp kitchen towel on a surface where you can let the cake rest.

  • When the cake is ready, unmold it on the cloth, remove the kitchen paper if you have placed it and wrap it with the cloth to form a roll.

  • You must wait for it to cool, so it is time to prepare the filling.

For the seafood filling

For this preparation you must chop the crab strips and place them in a bowl. Then peel the prawns and chop them to mix with the crab.

You can either crush them, chop them into very small pieces or make some strips, the presentation is up to you.

Now, add some pink sauce and mix everything.

Gypsy arms with seafood filling – Gastronomy – WebMediums
Russian salad.

Then, carefully remove the cloth from the arm and apply the filling to roll again, to form the gypsy arm with full of shellfish.

If the food will not be made at the moment you can wrap it with aluminum foil and take it to the fridge.

To decorate

The first thing is to place the gypsy arm on a tray of its length. Then, you should cover with another little pink sauce and garnish with lump roe and a few prawns.

Another colorful and tasty touch is to place pieces of cherry, olives, slices of boiled egg, among others.

What other fillings can a gypsy arm carry?

The variety will depend on your creativity. But usually the filling involves a salad, so go ahead and mix up your favorite foods.

  • Tuna is a great option, you can either buy fresh tuna and cook it or buy it in a can to make a salad.

  • Likewise, you can add a little avocado, cheese, ham, bacon, among others. The important thing is that you combine them as you please.

  • You can even think of adding a Russian salad, or a chicken salad or a bit of ceviche. Also, remember that the amounts are set by you.

This preparation has a minimum of difficulty, and you can do it with the help of the smallest of the house, especially when mixing.

The important thing is to achieve a good texture in the cake, so that it can be rolled without cracking. That is why the importance of the damp cloth so that it can rotate without problem.

Also remember that the filling must have a creamy texture like its covering so that the humidity is maintained, since if it is very liquid it tends to undo the cake.

It also offers an excellent shelf life, if you prepare it to reheat or the days after when you are not in the mood to cook. Dare to prepare it, share your experience with us.
