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Meet the best natural green juices to lose weight

Green juices are perfect to help you lose weight and maintain a healthier diet. This is because they are made with fruits and vegetables that are rich in nutrients that will give you more vitality and energy.
Another advantage is that many of them provide a large amount of fiber, which favors your metabolism and will help you lose weight or maintain your figure. Therefore, below we bring you what we have considered to be the best recipes for natural green juices.
Cucumber, celery and apple green juice

A glass of water.
A fresh cucumber.
3 centimeters of peeled ginger.
A green apple.
4 dates.
A pear.
Half a stick of celery.
Steps for its elaboration
Wash and peel the cucumber, apple and pear and cut everything into small pieces.
Wash the celery and cut it together with the dates, into very small pieces.
Wash the ginger and peel it, then chop it. If you like, you can crush it to form a paste, if not you can leave it chopped into small pieces.
Put the pieces of cucumber, apple, pear, celery, dates and ginger in the blender or in a deep bowl, next to a glass of water.
Beat everything until you get a homogeneous mixture and if you like, sweeten with a little honey.
Serve and enjoy.
Green apple and kiwi juice

500 milliliters of water.
Two kiwis.
Half lemon.
A green apple.
Steps for its elaboration
Peel the apple, remove the core and cut it into small and uniform pieces, and then put it in the blender glass, or in the glass where you will beat.
In the glass where you will beat pour the juice of a lemon. If you like, you can substitute the lemon for a lime.
Wash the kiwi, peel it and chop it into medium pieces or sheets, and then place it in the blender glass.
Pour the water into the blender glass and proceed to beat everything until you obtain a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
In case you don't want to run into kiwi seeds in your smoothie, you can strain it before serving.
Serve with a little ice and enjoy.
Green broccoli and cucumber juice

500 milliliters of water.
100 grams of broccoli.
A medium carrot.
A fresh and juicy lemon.
A medium cucumber.
Steps for its elaboration
Wash and peel the cucumber to proceed to cut it into thin slices and place it in the glass where you will beat or, in the glass of the blender.
Wash and peel the carrot to cut it into small pieces and place it next to the cucumber slices in the blender.
Squeeze the lemon juice into the blender jar.
Wash the broccoli, preferably in a bowl with water and vinegar, to proceed to drain and chop it. Then place it in the blender jar.
Add the water and proceed to beat everything with the help of a hand mixer or in the blender, until you obtain a juice without lumps.
If you like and want to obtain a juice without traces of lumps, you can strain it before serving.
Serve in the glass with a few pieces of ice and enjoy.
Green juice of pineapple and parsley

A liter of water.
Two carrots.
A cucumber.
Two slices of pineapple.
5 branches of parsley.
An Apple.
A lemon.
Steps for its elaboration
In case you have a juice extractor, you only have to wash and peel each of the fruits and vegetables of the ingredients, peel them and place them in the machine to extract the juice.
If you don't cut with this machine, wash the fruits and vegetables and peel them as well. However, do not peel the green apple, as it is better to use the skin for this recipe.
Cut all the fruits and vegetables into medium and uniform pieces, and then place them in the blender jar, or in the jar where you will crush them.
Start blending or beating and add the water little by little so that they are properly crushed. Keep adding water until you feel the juice is the texture you want.
Squeeze the juice of a lemon and beat a little more to integrate it.
Pass the mixture through a strainer to remove the lumps and serve with a little crushed ice. Enjoy, preferably at breakfast.
Parsley and lemon green juice

500 milliliters of water.
Half cucumber.
A piece of ginger of 3 centimeters.
A branch of coriander.
One lemon's juice.
4 branches of parsley.
Steps for its elaboration
Wash the cilantro and parsley, drain and cut into small pieces, then place it in the blender jar.
Wash the cucumber, peel it and cut it into thin slices, then pour it into the blender along with the cilantro and parsley.
Wash the piece of ginger, peel it and crush it in a mortar. Place this paste in the blender jar.
Squeeze the juice of a lemon over the rest of the ingredients and then pour the gua.
Cover the blender and let everything blend until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Finally, strain the liquid if you like and add a little honey if you like. Serve in a glass with a little ice and enjoy.
Celery and pineapple green juice

A glass of water.
A stick of celery.
50 grams of pineapple.
A little honey (optional)
Steps for its elaboration
Peel and cut the pineapple into small pieces. Likewise, wash and drain the celery, and then cut it into medium pieces.
Place the pineapple chunks in the blender along with the water and blend until smooth.
Add the pieces of celery in the blender and blend everything until you notice that it has been completely integrated.
Pour a little honey if you like and beat a little more.
Finally, serve the juice in a glass and enjoy with a little ice. It is not necessary to strain it, because if you do you will discard the fiber remains.
As you will notice , green juices are very easy to make and are the ideal option for a healthy breakfast. Therefore, we urge you to make any of these recipes at home and start enjoying healthier breakfasts.