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Foods harmful to the heart: What you should not eat to be healthy

6 min de lectura
Foods harmful to the heart: What you should not eat to be healthy
Bad foods for the heart.

We eat for pleasure and health, however, sometimes we put our body at risk, by ignoring the risk of some foods. And to keep the danger away, learn which foods are bad for your heart.

Take care of yourself without becoming paranoid about what you eat, and without rigorous diets that make you unhappy. To do this, I present the foods that you should regulate in your consumption, so that you maintain a healthy heart.

Foods that most affect the heart

There is a whole world of possibilities to feed our bodies, so it will not be a problem to find delicious alternatives to take care of ourselves. In this sense, take note of what you will begin to replace from today.

Foods harmful to the heart: What you should not eat to be healthy
Foods that most affect the heart.

Fried Foods

Surely, French fries crossed your mind, and you are right, it is one of the main foods that are harmful to the heart, and it is not easy to stop consuming them. But apart from them, any other type of fried food has the same negative effect, since the problem lies in the oil.

To fry potatoes or any other food of this type, vegetable oil is used at high temperatures. This process ends up making the final product much more harmful to the body.


For starters, its salt level is not low at all, and it has a lot of fat that is not healthy at all. Of course, this can vary according to the type of pizza that is consumed.

In general, those that have varieties of cheese and a lot of Pepperoni are the riskiest.

It has been shown that its excessive consumption increases triglyceride levels, which will affect circulatory pathways and blood flow over time.


Foods harmful to the heart: What you should not eat to be healthy

Its problem is that sausages generate accumulation of cholesterol and fat in the arteries. This is due to a component known as sodium nitrate, which is used to preserve them.

This accumulation of fat results in slower circulation, causing tiredness, fatigue and many other conditions. These end up deteriorating the heart, therefore, their consumption is not recommended.

Red meat

You might think that there is no problem with meat, after all, it is a natural food very rich in nutrients. But red meat in particular has a side effect of consuming too much of it, and this is what increases the level of trimethylamine.

This compound is generated in the process of digestion by intestinal microbes, and its increase favors the appearance of diseases and heart attacks, one of the most common being infarct.

As we mentioned a moment ago, its contribution of nutrients to the body is very beneficial, so it is not recommended to eliminate it from our diet; unless it is by medical recommendation. If not, you should only reduce and vary your intake with other meats.

Energy drinks

Energy drinks; apart from the combination of many chemical compounds, they base their potential on a high dose of sugar and caffeine. This generates the accelerated energy impulse, which makes it a harmful product for the heart.

The energizing boost that these drinks cause to our senses also speed up the functioning of the heart. This is no more, but a forced exercise of its usual functions, which over time causes damage.

Soft drinks

The consumption of soda is the main cause of heart failure, this being one of the products that consumers find it most difficult to control.

Soft drinks are known for their high amount of sugar and many other elements that are harmful.

These products are ingested very naturally on a daily basis worldwide, and although it is true that their damage does not act quickly, over time they have an impact on serious problems.

Light sodas were created, with the idea of counteracting this, but their consumption is just as harmful.

The fact that they do not have sugar does not mean that they are healthy, since their sodium level is quite high. So, whether it's regular or light soda, its damage to the cardiac system is the same.

Milk and derivatives

Foods harmful to the heart: What you should not eat to be healthy

Dairy products are very useful and necessary, but some cheeses and other products are not the most favorable for the heart. Such is the case of cured cheeses, these are a great risk for people with tension problems or tachycardia.

Other products such as butter, margarine or milk cream, are also not recommended to consume in excess.

Margarine specifically, is one of the main causes of heart problems.

Cookies and desserts

We are not referring to those prepared at home, but those that are prefabricated, and that are sold in supermarkets ready to consume.

These types of products are usually prepared with trans fats, which make it a food that is harmful to health.

If you want to take care of yourself, eliminate this type of fat from your diet, and even more so, if you want to protect the health of your heart, since it is one of the areas to which it is most detrimental.

In this sense, keep in mind that many older adults suffer from heart problems thanks to the consumption of this fat.

Eliminate or reduce?

There will be noticed that a radical elimination of all the aforementioned foods is not necessary, but a regulation of their consumption. Many are useful and substantial in moderate doses, the problem is in the excesses.

As a point of concentration, so you know where to direct your focus, take special care of three elements, these are salt, fat and sugar.

All three are the main cause of diseases, and you find them distributed throughout many products.

Always give priority to what is natural, and do not forget that it is not all about what you eat, physical exercise is the other side of the coin to maintain a healthy heart.

Apply the necessary corrections so that your heart health is much stronger, because for that reason it is worth eating healthy.

