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Heart disease and how to avoid it

5 min de lectura
Heart disease and how to avoid it – Health – WebMediums
Heart diseases are one of the most common in all of humanity.

Heart diseases and cardiovascular problems in general are conditions of high international prevalence. Approximately 3 out of 10 people have these conditions, so it is very common

However, this does not mean that they are inevitable, much less capable of being treated. Even so, it is convenient to avoid or prevent them at all costs, so that the quality of life remains intact.

What are the most common heart diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of disability and death in countries such as Spain and the United States. Millions of people around the world are affected by them, meaning a great public health inconvenience.

Arterial hypertension

Undoubtedly, high blood pressure is the most prevalent heart disease in history. In short, it is that silent enemy of health, since the manifestation of its clinical signs and symptoms are confusing.

High blood pressure is characterized by an increase in the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of the blood vessels. In this way, the heart is forced to adapt to this eventuality, making an extra effort to fulfill its function of pumping blood.

Heart disease and how to avoid it – Health – WebMediums
High blood pressure is present in up to 75 million people in the United States alone.

Over time, the quintessential heart pump undergoes a process known as hypertrophy, in which it increases in size. At the same time, this particularity is also raised in the walls of blood vessels, mainly medium and large diameter arteries.

The progressive increase in the size of the vascular walls and the heart secondarily generates heart failure. In turn, the arterial diameter decreases, directly affecting normal blood flow.

Essentially, it is usually diagnosed by "accident" when going to the consultation for another reason. During the physical examination, the specialist will find systolic and diastolic pressures above the average for age.

cerebrovascular accident

Behind high blood pressure, stroke is another common heart disease. As you can imagine, it is a direct damage to the blood circulation of the brain.

Broadly speaking, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines this pathology in a practical way.

“A set of neurological signs and symptoms with a duration of less than, equal to or greater than 24 hours. If left untreated, they can progress to brain death or severe disability and are associated with purely vascular causes." - WHO.
Heart disease and how to avoid it – Health – WebMediums
Cerebrovascular disease is due to an obstruction or clot (ischemia) or rupture of a blood vessel (hemorrhage).

The disease or cerebrovascular accident affects mostly men. However, it is much more deadly in the female gender, especially those who are postmenopausal. In turn, it is related to high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and bad psychobiological habits.

Acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

The next relevant cardiovascular disease is acute myocardial infarction. In case you didn't know, the myocardium is the contractile muscle that facilitates the pumping action of the heart.

When the infarction appears, it is the main cardiac element that is in trouble. Broadly speaking, it is a pathology in which the blood flow, mainly coronary, is totally or partially obstructed.

When talking about coronary flow, reference is made to the coronary arteries, which are responsible for irrigating and nourishing the heart. Indeed, if the circulation of the heart goes into deficit, the myocardium will become necrotic, generating serious conditions.

Heart disease and how to avoid it – Health – WebMediums
Acute myocardial infarction is another cardiovascular disorder of great prevalence and amplitude worldwide.

Acute myocardial infarction causes everything from sudden death to severe pain in the chest radiating to the arm or back. Along with this, other signs and symptoms appear such as nausea, shortness of breath and sweating.

Finally, it must be said that it is a severe cardiovascular disease, but it does not compromise the entire heart. Sometimes, it can be minimal and only affect a portion of it. However, the treatment must be specialized and immediately to avoid greater evils.

How to avoid or prevent cardiovascular diseases?

There is a saying that cardiovascular diseases are as prevalent as they are preventable. However, humanity seems to describe a direct tendency not to comply with a healthy lifestyle.

In case it's not totally obvious by now, heart disease impairs quality of life. In contrast, they have no difficulty in lowering the hope of existence or simply causing death. If you want to overcome them or not suffer from them, follow these tips:

  1. Eat healthy: above all, more natural and little processed foods with low sugar and fat content. Remember that fatty tissue not only accumulates under the skin, but also in the arteries, clogging them.

  2. Frequent exercise: constant physical activity prevents the accumulation of extra fat and keeps the weight at bay. As an additive, it is the main enemy of a sedentary lifestyle and obesity, the main allies of heart disease.

  3. Healthy habits: the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes and tobacco must be extremely moderate. It should be noted that they have toxic and irritating substances for the body in general, also having repercussions at the heart level.

  4. Periodic medical consultation: go to the doctor when necessary, at least every 6 months. By means of this, you will be able to do research about your state of health and rule out these pathologies in time.
