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How many times can the baby be nasal washed?

Maria Fernanda
3 min de lectura

Nasal washing is a procedure used to decongest the nasal passages. In young children it is widely used, since they cannot remove secretions by themselves.

However, it is important to explain to parents the correct way to do it, especially because it generates in them a feeling of anguish and concern about the procedure.

How many times is it advisable to wash the nose?

It depends on the nasal congestion of the child. Remember that the normal thing is that the inspiration of the air is through the nose, instead of the mouth.

Also, children do not know that they can open their mouth to try to breathe better. For this reason, the more nasal washes you do, the better you will breathe.

How many times can the baby be nasal washed? – Mothers And Babies
Nasal wash

Of course, you have to make the exception that there must be a limit, especially if it is done with vacuum cleaners.

The reason for this is that secretion aspirators can dry out the nasal mucosa. What the Spanish Society of Pediatrics recommends is that they be no more than once or twice a day.

What can be used to perform the nasal wash?

In general, physiological solution is used, but there are more practical pharmacological presentations for parents, since you do not have to prepare anything, you only have to administer the solution through both nostrils.

Likewise, if you decide on commercial devices, it is important that you consider not lending it to other children.

The reason for this is to avoid the transmission of viruses as much as possible. This way you reduce the development of the common cold or any other type of viral respiratory disease.

How to perform nasal washing in young children?

  1. Hold the child on his back or lay him down in the same position.

  2. Lateralize the child's head. Make sure the nostril where you are going to place the physiological solution is exposed.

  3. Apply the cc in the child's nostril with the help of a syringe.

  4. You can then sit the child down to help him expel the nasal secretions.

  5. Now, repeat this process with the remaining nostril.

In general, if the child is collaborative, that is, over 5 years old, the process can be less traumatic, but if they are younger, do not panic if the child cries.

However, older children can do the nasal washes on their own, they only need adult supervision.

How many times can the baby be nasal washed? – Mothers And Babies
Nasal wash device

Tips for performing the nasal wash

  • The amount to be applied can be 2 ml of solution in each nostril.

  • You can do it at any time of the day, but minutes before sleeping is preferred.

  • Don't worry if swallowing secretions (mucus) is normal.

  • If the child does not want to collaborate, it is necessary to be able to hold it, sometimes the help of more people is required to achieve the objective.

Finally, you may ask yourself what are the consequences of not doing the nasal wash?

Basically, the child will breathe with difficulty, since he has an accumulation of secretions in the nostrils.
