We wanted to collect the best information about breastfeeding, to explain a bit about the processes that occur during breastfeeding, how to prepare for these months and when to travel, how to be prepared on long journeys.
Newborn babies absolutely depend on their mothers to survive. In cases of clinical complications, the mother must always be attentive, however, we know that your child will be in good hands.

These tips are given by a specialist in pediatrics and child care, we have made a compilation of the best tips or tricks for breastfeeding.
how to prepare for breastfeeding?
It is always good to emphasize that babies who consume only breast milk have the strongest and most protected immune system.
Mother's milk is so rich that babies do not need to eat any other food. Simply letting them breast all they want is enough.
How to prepare for breastfeeding? the effort of the mothers is minimal to improve the milk production, since the simple act of suckling done by the babies stimulates the production of milk in the breasts. In addition, it is very important that the mother rest during the day and drink plenty of water, eat well and in a healthy and balanced way.
When breastfeeding, it is recommended that the mother sit in a comfortable place and observe if her baby is awake, calm and alert.
How are the first days of the baby at home? those who have had children know how challenging the first days of the baby are at home. For new parents, the difficulty increases. In his first
Know your type of nipple
The breasts, as you know, are not the same in all women. Some of them are flat or inverted and need specific exercises and the use of equipment that can help, such as plastic shells.
Find your obstetrician to know what to do. He is the best professional to guide you in these situations.
Be careful with the hygiene of the breasts
Breasts and nipples should only be washed with water, and it is not advisable to use soap or moisturizers. It is recommended to maintain the natural hydration of the nipples during pregnancy.
Bearing this in mind, you should avoid the use of soaps or creams, and even very hot water, since this hydration ends up being eliminated and that suit increases the risk of cracking.
After the baby sucks it, use your own milk as a moisturizer, spreading it over the nipple. In addition, gauzes with chamomile tea or banana and mamey peels can be used as moisturizers. Finally, remember not to allow the blowjob to exceed 40 minutes in each breast.
Avoid the use of vegetable fat and moisturizer
It is not recommended that women who are breastfeeding use gels or creams to wash their breasts, as this can cause cracks and damage the skin, which makes the region less resistant.
In the case of moisturizing cream, as the objective is not to make the skin more hydrated, but resistant, avoid the use of these cosmetics. However, if you want to moisturize your breasts, avoid at least doing it on your nipples.

Take the sun
Find a more reserved place and expose your breasts to the sun. Obstetricians recommend this exposure for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Apply sunscreen to the breasts, except the areolas (area around the nipple) and nipples, and remember that the ideal time is before 10 o'clock and after 4 o'clock.
And for those cloudy days or for mothers who can not sunbathe, an interesting alternative is the use of bulbs between 40 and 60W, about 30 cm away from the breasts, enough to transmit heat without causing discomfort.
Do exercises to remove the nipple
Massaging the breasts 1 or 2 times a day can help make the nipples leap more and make it easier for the baby to grasp and suck the milk.
Massage to remove the nipple can be ineffective after a while. But calm, because from the birth of the baby there will be a natural stimulus for the peak of the chest to become more prominent.
Choose comfortable bras
As the breasts grow and become heavier and heavier, the pregnant woman must wear a bra with wide straps and hold the weight, preferably cotton and without the metal ring and the bojo.
it is worth remembering that there is not the best support for that period, but the most important thing is that you, like, mom, feel comfortable.
And the care during breastfeeding?
Take into account the behavior of the baby. do not let your baby use the breast as a pacifier, because the nipple will be moist longer, facilitating cracks.
When that happens, the ideal is for the mother to interrupt breastfeeding and come back later, always watching if the baby took the nipple and areola correctly.
Avoid artificial milk. Although it is very practical, having artificial milk powder at home can become a temptation in times of insecurity and doubts about the amount of breast milk produced.
Always seek the guidance of a professional before resorting to this type of resource. Artificial milk should only be used if it is prescribed by the pediatrician.
Reflux in babies it is a distressing symptom for all parents who care about the well-being and health of the child. This, in turn, can present irritation and pain, with difficulties to calm down,
5 secrets about breastfeeding
Being a mother is something incredible and even more special when it happens for the first time.
The body and mind go through several changes, leading women to rethink their existence and face life with much more maturity and love.
It is a complex and beautiful process, but it also generates a series of doubts and uncertainties. If you are a new mother, do not worry, we're going to tell you the biggest secrets that nobody has told you about motherhood.

Breastfeeding is not always easy
Breastfeeding really is something natural and should always be stimulated, but breastfeeding your child will require some effort and willpower, especially at the beginning.
For some women, this process may be quieter, while others may need more patience to get used to the activity.
It is recommended that breast milk be the exclusive feeding of the baby for at least six months and remain as a supplement until two years of age.
The arrival of a baby is something that excites everyone in the home, not just the parents; Uncles, grandparents, all close relatives and friends get excited, everyone wants to carry it, make
The first days can be difficult
The first days after childbirth are usually the most difficult. Many mothers may be a little depressed at that time, especially due to hormonal changes, bodily changes and the pressure to want to do the best for this new life.
However, this is an adaptation process and is part of that phase and it is important that you get in touch with your feelings and try to deal with them in a healthy way.
But remember, that picture is temporary. Any excessive and lasting suffering, violent thoughts or lack of appetite can mean postpartum depression and a doctor should be consulted immediately.
The puerperium varies from woman to woman
The body of the woman suffers several physical and psychological changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. For this reason, experts indicate that the waiting period lasts about six weeks.
However, each woman has a recovery and each couple a dynamic, which can make relationships begin to happen a little sooner or later.
and that is completely normal! Consult your doctor if you have any questions, maintain a sincere dialogue with your partner and you will see that you will soon return to your love routine.
They say that there is no greater miracle in nature than the creation of life, when women bring a child to the world that, precisely, is what they do, a miracle. But the miracle of life
The baby loses weight
Many people do not know that the baby loses about 10% of its body weight right after birth.
This loss is a normal and physiological picture, but many mothers become desperate when this happens and believe that the milk affects them or that they are not breastfeeding in the best possible way.
However, do not worry, soon you will gain a few kilos and will be stronger every time.
You will feel something that you have never felt
Gestation may not be easy and many different things may occur, but the fact is that all this complex and intricate process will be justified in a simple and unexpected way.
You will have something unique in your hands, your son! You will love it in a way that I had never imagined and you will know that all the effort, without a doubt, was worth it.
these are some of the main secrets about motherhood that you need to know! That magical and important moment for the woman and the baby should not be underestimated and all knowledge is valid so that everything comes out in the best possible way.
Be prepared and calm, being a mother can scare a little, but it's amazing!
Breastfeeding and travel: Care for traveling and breastfeeding during the trip
Mothers tend to be very careful with newborn babies and that is not surprising.
In the most tender ages, the babies are really very fragile and any alteration of the environment, of the feeding or of the routine can take them to present / display from small annoyances until more boring problems.
However, it is often inevitable to take a trip and the little one has to accompany us. To soften the situation, it is essential to take some special precautions and make this moment a little less complicated:
Newborn babies are part of the most beautiful moments witnessed by man. In this article we will talk about the importance of taking care of the high temperatures, and we will give
Do not travel ahead of time
The younger the baby is, the more fragile the organism is and the more complicated it will be to travel with it.
The medical recommendation indicates that the ideal is just to think about doing any type of trip with your child when he is more than 28 days old, because before that, he is still considered a neonatal child and there may be a need to return to the hospital in case some type of complication arises.
To further reduce the possibility of problems, it is best to wait a little longer three months which is an ideal age, since the immune system is a little more developed and less susceptible to opportunistic infections.
In any case, it is important to be careful and always consult your doctor before making a decision.
Watch the feeding
The child's feeding needs to be up to date so he can travel quietly. And, as every mom should already know, until the first few months the ideal is for the baby to exclusively consume breast milk (except for some medical indication that contradicts that premise).
Then, the ideal is to follow the normal schedule of your routine, breastfeed the child in the same way you would do away from the trip or take out the milk and prepare the bottles according to the duration of the trip.
If you have more than six months, the same principle applies: prepare your regular meals in sufficient numbers for the travel time.

The chair is essential for breastfeeding
Brazilian legislation establishes that babies under the age of one year must travel in special seats when traveling on the roads. They help the newborn's safety and make it much more comfortable as well.
Ideally, you should look at the back glass and the middle seat of the back seat.
Arrest the baby according to the manufacturer's instructions and do not let the seatbelt weaken. In the case of aircraft, the airlines offer their own car seat, which must be requested before departure.
Take a basic kit for the baby and ensure your breastfeeding
The ideal is to prepare a small kit that helps transport the baby. It should include, in addition to the usual feeding of the newborn, baking ointments, diapers, toasted handkerchiefs, cotton wipes and cakes and hygiene swabs. The ideal is to have a small bag exclusively for that.
These are some of the basic cares for you to travel with your newborn baby more safely and quietly.
By taking the right attitudes, it is possible to minimize the risks and make them more comfortable throughout the journey. But you must always remember that they are very small and fragile, the ideal is to have a reinforced attention all the time.