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The most common problems we face at home

5 min de lectura
The most common problems we face at home – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums
The most common problems we face at home

There is a very illustrious motto that says "the family is the basis of society", today the war against the family is ruthless, good and bad citizens are born in the heart of families.

It is there where the principles that will transcend generations in society are taught and executed. And currently, this core faces many social factors.

What most attacks the family today

There is a battle against the original family, today there are many media that seek to steal our children, so that there is no propagation of good customs or principles.

Everywhere the family is being overwhelmed with violence, sex, pornography, failure, promiscuity, among other things.

The most common problems we face at home – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

There are many numbers, and investigations that announce that 29% of all the videos on the internet are pornographic, and 51% of children between 9 and 11 years old already know the reality of the content.

Studies show that in a few years, the world population will be educated with pornographic material, that is where families must educate their minors and avoid the proliferation of this content that is so harmful and destructive for new generations.

Therefore, we can see the rates of early pregnancy increase in recent years, every year there are more young people of early age who start sexual life, but who have not been educated by their parents.

This promotes not only pregnancy, but future illnesses, multiple sexual partners, identity confusion, drugs and addictions.

The most common problems we face at home

There are many problems that afflict within a home; Today let's study one by one, and see how much these problems can affect and their consequence on the weakest in the home.

There are many conflicts that surround families and have the purpose of destroying or dividing it.

Problems at home can arise in one of the members or in all of them, but it is always necessary to seek help and not allow them to advance.

1. Aggressiveness at home

In the first place we find aggressiveness, and violence, both physical and verbal.

When couple conflicts turn to aggression, they affect the formation and identity of children.

There are many agencies for the protection of minors, women and families that provide their services in order to reduce domestic violence in homes.

2. Economic conflict

Money is amoral and because of it many families are divided, finances are often the cause of disputes, fights, divorces, mistreatment and in some cases theft or death.

Every family must be healthy in the financial area, and know that in the home, the economy cannot be an entity of conflict.

This is a very common problem in homes, finances are always a factor of marital conflict that at the time of presentation is not treated maturely, it can end in a marital separation.

3. Bad communication

Communication goes beyond sitting down to talk when something bad happens.

It is to know the likes and dislikes of your children, it is to share, laugh and cry with them, it is to be free within the home without anything that interferes with construction or communicational development.

The most common problems we face at home – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Communication between parents and children is vital. Lack of communication is a very serious evil that fragments or breaks the family identity, lack of correct expressions, insults, isolation, lies, all this is lack of communication.

The communication failure begins when the child enters the stage of adolescence or autonomy of their identity.

The little one is in an abyss of his development and does not find understanding on the part of his parents. Meanwhile, parents with their hands tied struggle because they can't find a way to help their children and in most cases end up in abuse or breakdown in the relationship between parents and children.

4. Absence of the father figure

Absence or emptiness of the father figure in the family nucleus is one of the most common family conflicts in society.

There are many homes in which the father is absent, when a father is not in the formation and growth of the child, we will be able to define the prototype of young people in the future.

The most common problems we face at home – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

The father figure in a home is essential, marks culture, marks principles, a home with an absent father is less likely that their children grow up emotionally healthy than that of a present father.

When we talk about absence, it is not only physical, but emotional, economic, in principles, support and accompaniment, every child deserves to hear the voice of support, correction, love from their parent.

Basics in raising your children

The principles are born at home and are reinforced at school, not the other way around, it is time for us as parents to become aware of who educates in our home.

Each child that is born, each home that is formed must have a reason and purpose on this earth, in the houses the homeland that we long to see is formed.

Healthy communication is vital in homes, promoting love, training, morality, justice, equity.

Each family was called to love, respect, tolerate each other, the purpose of a family is not only to bring children into this world, its mission is also based on educating them and then giving them to society.
