Vegetarian pregnancy

4 min de lectura

If a woman decides to have a vegetarian pregnancy, there are several aspects that you should consider about your diet. The main thing is that you consume the necessary amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins during pregnancy.

Vegetarian pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

When a woman is pregnant it is recommended to make changes in her lifestyle, but what happens if I am a vegetarian? The diet of a mother does not have to change with the arrival of a baby because during pregnancy a vegetarian diet can be followed.

Before a vegetarian pregnancy

If you are a vegetarian mother, it is very important that you consume the necessary amounts of vitamins, proteins and minerals during breakfast, lunch and dinner. This helps both the well-being of the mother and the well-being of the child. The first rule is to have a schedule for your meals.

When you get up early and do not have much appetite it is best to consume some fruits so we give our body nutrients necessary for pregnancy.

You should also feed yourself every two and a half or three hours, in this way we can keep our metabolism active.

Foods for a vegetarian pregnancy

Now, what foods can I consume? Remember that for a vegetarian pregnancy, you must have a balanced diet that gives us all the nutrients necessary to carry the pregnancy. In this sense it is important to include;

Vegetarian pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums


Fortunately nature gives us a series of vegetarian foods that serve as a source of protein. You can acquire proteins from;

• Seeds.

• Cereals.

• Legumes.

• Nuts.

Each of these foods provides us with a large amount of protein, and allows us to eat a balanced diet.


We know that dairy products are a great source of calcium, but since we are vegetarians, these foods do not interest us. Since we can also get calcium from;

• Soy.

• Tofu

• Algae.

• Broccoli.

• Cauliflower

• Cabbage.

Folic acid or vitamin B9

This vitamin is essential during pregnancy, it is responsible for the construction of new cells and genitive material. ANDfolic acid or vitamin B9 it is very easy to obtain since many vegetarian foods have it. Among them are;

• Grape

• Corn.

• Strawberries.

• Bananas.

• Oranges.

• Beet.

• Green vegetables.


To maintain the proper functioning of the thyroid and avoid problems and diseases we must consume 150 micrograms of iodine per day. Among the foods that provide iodine we have;

• Corn.

• Broccoli.

• Cabbage.

• Seeds.

• Seaweed.


Consuming zinc helps us prevent the risk of cancer, helps protect the arteries and promotes good growth and development. In this sense consuming zinc during pregnancy is essential. To obtain it, we recommend consuming;

• Grains.

• Nuts.

• Seeds.

• Cereals.

As I mentioned before it is important that each of your meals have a great contribution of vitamins, nutrients and minerals. In this way we ensure the welfare of the mother and the child.

Vegetarian pregnancy – Mothers And Babies – WebMediums

Why carry a vegetarian pregnancy?

Many women who have chosen to eat a vegetarian diet during pregnancy you have noticed positive changes in your health. To begin the consumption of vegetables low in fat, salt and free of cholesterol helps to avoid different cardiac problems.

A pregnant woman should consume vitamin C, D, B9 and B12, each of them can be obtained from different vegetarian foods, such as spinach or orange, which provides a large amount of vitamin C.

Another advantage that a vegetarian diet has during pregnancy is to avoid nausea and excessive tiredness. Not to mention the fact that our lifestyle becomes much healthier.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Embarazo vegetariano
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