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Your child doesn't want to go back to class? This guide will help you

It is normal that from time to time there is a certain amount of resistance on the part of children in going to school. It can be for boredom, or for the pursuit of fun outside of school.
However, sometimes we meet some children who experience what is known as school refusal. In this case, the child does not intend to skip school because of external factors, but because there is an aversion to the school itself.
To learn to differentiate between normal avoidance and negative rejection, it is necessary to pay attention to several factors, such as: the time you have spent expressing your refusal, and the strength of the resistance.
In addition, we can get an idea of the seriousness of the situation when we try to be careful and take into account the degree of anguish that the child has associated with attending school, and how it interferes with his life.
In any case, the most important thing for children is to create habits and routines that make their school experience more bearable, thus helping them to develop important skills and tools that will serve them in the future.
Start the transition little by little
If we want our children to be able to follow these new habits, we must introduce them to routines little by little so that they do not become saturated.
We can start by designing, together with them, a calendar, in which we put one or two activities to be carried out during the routine that we aspire to have, in this way, when our child has already internalized those activities, we can gradually introduce more.
Teaching our children routines is very beneficial, since it helps them organize both the world around them and themselves, in this way they can manage their own goals in actions in the near future.
Remember that this process is not always quick, it may cost more at the beginning, but always remember to reinforce your child for those things he has done well, and to correct his mistakes with empathy.
Recognize the signs of your child, and perceive how he is receiving the new routines, if something is costing him, ask him why, and devise possible solutions for the inconveniences that arise along the way.
Tips to make school fun
It is possible that one of the factors that affect our children's motivation to attend school is that children tend to get bored when they do not understand the purpose of learning what is being taught.
One way to counteract this effect would be to try to know, in advance, the school program, in order to gradually introduce the topics that will be learned in our daily lives.
In this way, our son will make practical relations of the content, and it will be easier, more dynamic and fun for him when he feels familiar.
In addition to this, pay attention to which days are the heaviest for you, in order to add some extra reinforcer; such as his favorite snack.
The extra-curricular activities offered by the school are a great advantage, since it is a time in which you will stay in the institution, but doing some activity that you like, which can motivate you even more.

Actions that no dad should forget
It is important that both parents are present during their child's development, and that they seek to be fully committed to contributing, positively, to their growth.
Attending parent -teacher conference calls is essential, but not only as a commitment, but with active participation.
Knowing their teachers gives parents the opportunity to know what the expectations of each one are, and thus know what will be the demands they will have to face, and what strategies to use.
On the other hand, we must never forget to support them with homework, as this helps them to reinforce and deepen their learning, and fosters the development of a sense of responsibility.
In addition to this, getting involved in the active life of the school shows our children that we are interested in their education, but it is important to do so to the extent that they feel comfortable.
The important thing is not to overwhelm them, but to make them feel and understand we will always be there to help and support them.