Netflix trolls its users

Suria Ibañez
2 min read

On Twitter, Netflix trolling its users became a trend and, as we already know, Netflix is one of the most important platforms in the world to watch series, movies, documentaries, etc. Netflix offers a wide catalog of entertainment, however it often depends on where we are.

Netflix and the cat on the table meme

Netflix had announced that the complete Harry Potter saga would be available on its platform and before this many users were already super excited, however what they did not have been that it would not be in all regions.

We've all seen the famous meme cat that came about thanks to the ingenuity of a girl on Twitter. Both images would not have a relationship as such, however the creativity of @MISSINGEGIRL gave life to this iconic meme.

Netflix trolls its users – Movie News – WebMediums

Currently, we can see an endless number of memes of this curious kitten, usually they all start with "you told me that" and end with a "yes but". Thanks to this Netflix took advantage and use it to announce that the Harry Potter saga would only be available in one region.

The company decided to use this minimum to announce that the saga would only be available in Spain. This fact caused much laughter due to the creative way in which it was announced, however Twitter users could not hide their sadness when they realized that they would not see the eight films except in Spain.

There is no doubt that one of the great successes of Netflix and that of course continues to contribute to its success is the approach it has with the new generations and social networks. So far Netflix has shown that it is at the forefront and that within what is possible it continues to innovate.

Netflix trolls its users – Movie News – WebMediums
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Netflix trollea a sus usuarios
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Suria Ibañez

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