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'The Umbrella Academy' returns for season 3 on Netflix

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'The Umbrella Academy' returns for season 3 on Netflix – Movie News
The series 'The Umbrella Academy' returns for its season 3 on the Netflix platform

The Netflix series has been recognized as one of the most viewed gems on the streaming platform.

After two installments full of tension, drama, and a story full of time travel, ' The Umbrella Academy' series has managed to win the affection of subscribers and become one of the most anticipated series of 2022.

Recently, Netflix announced that the renewal of the third season of the superhero series is now official, in addition, it will feature the participation of new actors in the cast. The announcement was accompanied by a preview that reveals great scenes that we will see in the new installment of the production.

In this new installment, we will enjoy the outcome of the conflict created by the time travel of 'Five' that ended up creating a second timeline where we discovered the Sparrow Academy. New details about the new academy and its goal are revealed in the preview.

Netflix Releases First Look at 'The Umbrella Academy' Season 3

After 2 years of waiting, the streaming platform in charge of producing ' The Umbrella Academy' confirms its official return and published the first look that revealed important details.

The preview features members of the Umbrella Academy and new characters from the Sparrow Academy.

It is worth mentioning that, it is a brief glimpse that has a duration of 17 seconds that begins precisely in the final scene of season 2. In the first moments, we observe Luther with an exalted face, since, when they returned home, they saw their father alive and a new grouping of heroes.

The group of brothers finds out about the appearance of their new variants and quickly learns that they did not exist in that timeline and were replaced by new members.

The teaser is full of tension, at every moment you can feel the uncertainty and bewilderment of the characters when they see their variants for the first time.

About season 3 of 'The Umbrella Academy’

The director of Netflix content distribution ' Ted Sarandos' recently published the new official synopsis about the new season of the series. Indicating that the events of this new season will continue after Judgment Day in 1963 when the brothers prevented the apocalypse.

The Umbrella Academy returns to its present (2019) convinced that they have solved all the time loops. However, they will find a big surprise when they get home since they notice the appearance of a new smarter, and bolder academy, led by Reginald.

In season 3, both sides will unleash a fight between superheroes to identify the powers of each one and show which academy is stronger. This isn't much of a problem though, the Umbrellas will have to convince Reginald and the Sparrows to help them sort out the timelines.

Season 3 premiere date

Season 3 of ' The Umbrella Academy' will be in the official Netflix catalog starting on June 22. This installment will have 10 episodes that will last approximately 40 minutes per chapter.
