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A 5.5-ton star will shine on the Sagrada Família in Spain

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A 5.5-ton star will shine on the Sagrada Família in Spain – News – WebMediums
Sacred Family

The star is still on the floor of the study space of the Sagrada Família church. In the absence of placing the other two spotlights — because it will have 12, framing a dodecahedron, preparations are practically prepared to raise the enormous star and crown the pinnacle of the Virgin Mary —, which with its 138 meters will be, for the occasion, the most outstanding of the set.

In case there are no setbacks, this component will be tied to the construction of the pinnacle on November 29. Moreover, its total brilliance will be produced with the arrival of its presentation, on December 8, coinciding with the strict gastronomic experience of the Immaculate.

Barcelona will add one more star to its sky and horizon. A powerful star, as it weighs 5.5 tons and is 7.5 meters wide between its foci:

" The city will have another star in its environment and the sanctuary will commend a remarkable occasion, since it will see the culmination of another pinnacle for a long time," said the cardinal and supervisor of the diocese Juan José Omella on Monday in the presentation of the occasions that will be fulfilled for the initiation of the new pinnacle.

Some festivities that will last from the same day of initiation until January 4, and that include sardanas, castellers or the presentation of a book in which thirty engineers offer their point of view on the progression of Gaudí's work. A reality that causes the containment of everything that has been worked beyond the exterior of the Naixement, the only one of Gaudí.

The impact of the star that will crown the pinnacle of Mary can be fantastic. It is made of steel and star-shaped glass. It helps to project a characterized profile, as well as a point of light. At dusk, it will be a white light that will extend many LEDs that make up each of the bulbs that will illuminate its 12 bulbs.

The last form, a dodecahedron with 12 foci, has been chosen, according to Faulí, following the motivation of the mathematical states of Antoni Gaudí's later times that, at a fundamental level, has just characterized as the highest point of the pinnacle of María It should be a white light.

Fun facts

A 5.5-ton star will shine on the Sagrada Família in Spain – News – WebMediums
Sacred Family

The star has cost 1.5 million euros and began to be planned and worked on in 2019. It will be the last component of the pinnacle of the Virgin Mary that can be seen from the central nave during visits to the sanctuary. The pinnacle is empty, and it will be possible to see its 60-meter-high construction with 800 windows that will allow the entry of light.

The introduction of the pinnacle is, today, the main thing that has a specific date in the calendar of works of the Sagrada Família that has been incredibly modified by the impact of the pandemic that has subtracted many visitors, especially throughout 2020.

However, the speed of visits has recently recovered, according to Xavier Martínez, general director of the Construction Board of the Sagrada Família. If until September the visits addressed 30% of the normal of 2019, last October the cinema has been supported: "with everything, we are just in 40% of the ordinary before the Coronavirus".

And without leaving behind, the area where the Sagrada Família is located is surrounded by tourists and, for all intents and purposes, all the shops in the nearby streets — most of them selling gifts and arranged bars and restaurants — are open. These sites are as visited as that sacred place. There you can get souvenirs, typical foods and more.

Lack of funding completely delays the completion of the Sagrada Família

To help finance the works, the Construction Board continues to seek the help of supporters who are associated monetarily with the continuation of the business and with the mission of raising more revenue by computer brushing on its website.

Those responsible for the works do not actually give an approximate date for the completion of the pinnacles, in particular that of Jesus Christ, which will be the highest in the city at 178 meters.

Before the Coronavirus, the date was 2026. La Sagrada Família has been under construction for decades, since, who have followed the same pattern of the architect who came up with such a wonderful idea.

For the following year, for example, the estimates of the Construction Board are to finish the pinnacle of the evangelical Lluc and stain two more levels of the pinnacle of Jesus Christ.

" Until the end of next year or 2023 we will not be in a position to make capacity to complete the shavings of the square that is the sanctuary," said Esteve Camps, leader of the Construction Board, who added that the continuation of the work with an extension on the road to Mallorca.

An alternative metropolitan agreement will be reached between the City Council, the sanctuary and the neighbors who could lose their homes and organizations. It is not currently on the table. "More financial means are needed," Camps limited himself to indicating.

But without a doubt, the wait will be rewarded when this wonderful construction is completed and all its spectators will admire it. Now everyone will be able to enjoy the breakthrough that the Sagrada Família will have on November 28.
