A Barcelona fan faces 1000 Real Madrid fans (Video)

1 min read

Although it may seem crazy to you, a Barcelona fan started shouting "Messi, Messi, Messi" with a Barcelona shirt on while Real Madrid was thrashed in New York. The man, who challenged the white fans, only asked them to throw things at him, proving that Barcelona was the best team in the world.

A Barcelona fan faces 1000 Real Madrid fans (Video) – News – WebMediums

In front of the act, the hundreds of fans that surrounded the man began to attack him, however, in the video it is observed that they only throw beer, water and other things without causing harm. The outcome of the Messi fan is unknown, for which we believe he does not regret anything he did.

A Barcelona fan faces 1000 Real Madrid fans (Video) – News – WebMediums
