A state of exception is decreed in Ecuador as a result of the protests
During the next 60 days there will be a state of exception decreed by Lenin Moreno. The streets of the main cities of Ecuador are in constant protests, while the government ensures that it will not remove the decree that according to them allows them to ensure the payment of the 4,000 million dollars that they owe to the IMF.

I have arranged the State of Exception to safeguard order, citizen security and in order to control those who seek to cause chaos. We will not agree to blackmail, and we will act according to the law. Lenin Moreno wrote.
From now on, the president will call the Armed Forces to the main streets, so that Ecuador will be militarized for the next 60 days. The state of emergency also allows you to close airports, borders and even ports. In addition, it has the power to censor the media.
Protesters have taken to the streets of Ecuador to demand that the decree approved by the government be withdrawn. Among the first changes is the 123% rise in fuel prices as a result of the elimination of the fuel subsidy given by the state.
Although the protest was initially carried out by transporters, several unions and other workers quickly joined in. In the last hours the students confronted the police, demonstrating their support and nonconformity against the measures taken by the Lenin Moreno government. Militarization is imminent.