British Government prepares military troops to attent the fuel crisis

Grecia De Flores
3 min de lectura

The British Government has recently ordered the drivers of some tanker trucks belonging to the army, staying prepared to be able to intervene before the crisis that go through fuel outcrop.

The drivers, who are also military, will receive special emergency training, since the Government claimed to want them to be prepared for T ransport gasoline to their respective service stations.

All this in order to be able to attend the sites that most need and with this be able to give greater guarantees about the supply of fuel, which the executive said, “It is still robust”.

British Government prepares military troops to attent the fuel crisis

The first steps to calm the crisis

Likewise, the Minister of Enterprises, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Kwasi Kwarteng, made a special demand to the British Armed Forces, all at times after the Executive's statements.

But he affirmed that at the moment he did not plan to activate military services.

If the deployment of military personnel is necessary, an additional capacity will be provided to the supply chain, as part of a temporary measure, in order to help relieve most of the tensions that are caused by the national fuel demand.

On the other hand, the newspaper indicated “The Times” that Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has already begun the formal order to have the formative capacity of 150 Military Within the expenditure of gasoline, of which, at least 80 are completely ready to take action.

The British Government has begun to approve an extension within the expiration of the licenses of its drivers, especially those who help transport dangerous goods, but they made special emphasis on those authorized in transporting gasoline.

To which this extension is open until February 2022. Despite the communiqués and warnings that the authorities have made, they say that panic has begun to arouse in a very poorly anticipated way.

All this motivated at the lack of fuel, which is why long standby ranks have been generated, in addition to detecting an increase in appeals that are made from different sectors, such as health or even The taxi service.

The Government has provided a prompt improvement in the service

After five days of chaos within the service stations, throughout the country, the British Government, in addition to those responsible within the sector have affirmed that on Tuesday you can see some signs of “Stabilization” After the one that was cataloged as one of the strongest crises in the country.

This situation led to medical and other types of essential workers, had the fear of losing their ability to continue working in their heading.

Since Friday, different drivers caused different jams in some gas stations, to which government came to qualify as a panic movement, after some distributors will come to announce the closure of suppliers by the Lack of fuel.
