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Businessman named Kovid has had problems because of his name

The phrase on the Twitter profile "My name is Kovid, and I am not a virus", is the first impression of the Indian businessman Kovid Kapoor.

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Businessman named Kovid has had problems because of his name
Kovid kapoor

The head of a start-up travel company in India, Kovid Kapoor, a 31-year-old, assured on his social networks that recently for the first time, after the pandemic, he had left the country and was amusing to many people.

He indicated on his social network Twitter that his trips will now be entertaining. This message received 40 likes and was retweeted 4,000 times.

He assures that his name helps him to be more sociable in meetings. However, when ordering coffee at Starbucks, it caused confusion to employees at the time of naming.

Kapoor's tweet generated jokes among users of the social network because of his name. Including friend requests and interviews from different media.

In addition, they commented a bit on the issue of the new omicron variant, due to the increase in infections in India, and that it has expanded worldwide.

He wants all these comments to help the company where he works, since, due to the pandemic, the number of flights has decreased.

The name of this man, Kovid, means educated person or scholar. This is a rare name in India. Kovid assured that his name has a very nice meaning, and he would not accept to change it for anything in the world.
