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Swedish company creates a subcutaneous microchip with the COVID-19 certificate

In Europe and much of the world, the COVID-19-19 passport or COVID-19-19 certificate has begun to be implemented to carry out a myriad of public activities, or to travel from one country to another.
This certificate consists of the vaccination plan for which it is granted to people who have been fully vaccinated.
Likewise, it has become an essential requirement for all citizens, since basically without it, they will be very limited to carry out thousands of activities and even to buy food or medicine.
So much so, that in some countries such as Australia or Germany this certificate is required to get on the subway or on a bus.
Is getting vaccinated mandatory?
At first, everything seemed to indicate that vaccination was not mandatory, except in some countries where their rulers made it mandatory.
Despite this, there are many people who are against the vaccine and who as the day goes by are much more forced to have to be vaccinated to be able to enjoy simple activities.
This is how people have to be vaccinated with all the doses to be able to enter a restaurant, access a hospital if they want to accompany a relative, enter a supermarket or shoe store.
In the case of Europe, this certificate is already handled digitally, where people can take it from their mobile device with a QR code that can be scanned in any public place or place.
This has created an outrage in many citizens of the world, especially those who refuse to provide such a vaccine.
Implementation of the subcutaneous chip

The subcutaneous chip has emerged as a measure to avoid some inconveniences that have been presented with the digital certificate of the COVID-19 that is carried through smartphones. This has ended up causing a lot of inconvenience for some citizens.
First, because many people often forget their mobile device frequently, others end up losing it or stealing it or simply running out of battery when showing it.
That is why the Swedish company DSruptive Subdermals has proposed the use of a subcutaneous microchip that allows the COVID-19 certificate to be displayed every time it is necessary, this will avoid these inconveniences that are occurring today with smartphones.
Therefore, the computer engineers of said company have created a chip that will contain the COVID-19 passport and that can be implemented under the skin. It has not had to spend a long time to know the news so that a network of speculation about all this will be created on social networks.
According to the statement from the Swedish company, this microchip will be approximately the size of a grain of rice and will be implemented in the hand under the skin.
Currently, many Swedes already carry this chip inside them to be able to enter mainly the headquarters of this company where they work.
Although many people have also had to place it in order to access different public institutions in that country.
This has also been established as a trial period to guarantee that people who carry this chip can easily read their COVID-19 passport in any type of situation.
Subcutaneous microchip functions

First, the Swedish company has made it very clear that this microchip will not be traceable and that it is activated from a mobile device or computer. It has been used in order to replace many things in people's lives to make it much easier.
So the microchip allows you to replace the keys to the office, home or even the car, train, bus or plane tickets or any type of documents that need to prove the identity of the people.
This is how the Swedish company DSruptive has proposed that this microchip also carry the COVID-19 health passport within it.
This in order to reduce all the inconveniences that have arisen in Europe and the world at the time of having to present said digital passport.
"It is a quick, carefree and above all comfortable way to carry everything that has always been needed. I believe that this is something that responds to the needs of people and above all respects and protects the integrity and confidentiality of the personal information of each person. " This was stated by Erik, a programmer during a statement to the media.
On the other hand, the head of the DSruptive Subdermals company, Hannes Sjoblad, also wanted to express his opinion regarding the subcutaneous microchip that could be being implemented worldwide in the coming months.
"It is a microchip that will be implanted and has a value of about one hundred euros in the case of the more advanced versions, so it is very economical when compared to smartwatches or bracelets that cost twice as much. In addition, these Implants are going to last 30 or 40 years, while watches or bracelets for a long time last 3 years. "
Citizens fear about the implementation of the subcutaneous microchip
Hannes Sjoblad has made it known that the health or COVID-19 passport would be a clear example of everything that this device the size of a grain of rice can carry inside and that people can have implemented directly on their bodies.
In addition, the businessman has made it clear that he is concerned about privacy issues that are experienced today, so he feels that with this device people can protect their identity much more. He also views with great concern the fear that these implants produce in many people.
Hannes Sjoblad is fully aware that this is something new for human society, so it will not be easy to convince the whole world to carry the microchip, since many citizens see this as a surveillance technology.
However, Hannes Sjoblad has recalled that the same thing happened many years ago when with the launch of bank cards when many people refused to use them or to withdraw money from an ATM because they believed it unsafe.
In the case of microchips, these do not usually have any battery and much less transmit a signal by itself, so they will never reveal your location and much less will listen to what you speak.
This is how the highest authority of the Swedish company has defended the use of this microchip.
Despite all this, he will have to fight against many theories related to global control, where many people consider that this type of microchip is only launched with the aim of achieving subjugation of humanity, and it is something that is proliferating in the networks social.
How will say implant read?

First, this implant is intended to be placed in the person's hand, so when you arrive at a public place, want to travel, show your identity documents or cancel the payment of any product, you will only have to pass your hand through an external device which will be in charge of reading the microchip.
These devices can be specific technological gadgets and even the mobile devices themselves.
So much so that we want people to be able to show their tickets to concerts or cinema with the chip, so all these places must have the necessary devices to read the chip.
It is a system that is applied to all the workers of this Swedish technology company, so they have an intelligent headquarters that is accessed and managed through this implant.
In addition, the company has said that if they are marketed they will not do so directly with the consumer, but with companies or institutions directly.
Although they have not ruled out its distribution through potential business partners managed by the company.
The objective of this Swedish company is to be able to market them with the COVID-19 passport in the first months of 2022 with the intention of making all this much easier.
They have also specified that they are passive implants and that the DSruptive company will not have any type of control over those who use it.
In addition, these devices will have a body temperature control thanks to a sensor that BeUno has.
On the company's website you can see that they ensure that these implants equipped with sensors will become the new paradigm for people's health care.
Currently millions of people around the world use technological devices to track the pulse, its temperature and measure many health parameters, but all of them are short-lived. With the microchip, citizens will be able to do all this and much more and with a duration greater than 30 years.
For now, this device would begin to be applied only to humans, although it is not ruled out that in the future it may also be applied to animals in order to know different details and parameters about their health.
Right now there are many countries that are joining this alternative, so the Swedish company believes that for this next year the implementation and commercialization of the mcirochip will be carried out.