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The third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is rejected by the committee of experts of Health of the United States

German Centeno
6 min read

This Friday the plan to administer a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine as a reinforcement measure by this company against covid-19 throughout the United States has been rejected, this would have been scheduled by the President of the Government Joe Biden. However, the US Food and Drug Administration advisory committee has rejected this proposal.

The application of a third dose has been generated due to the large number of mutations by the virus, so Pfizer has considered that a third dose could become a greater reinforcement with respect to the new variants of covid-19 that continue to appear.. That is why they had requested its approval mainly to be applied to people over 16 years of age.

When would this dose be applied to people?

The third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is rejected by the committee of experts of Health of the...

The third dose would be applied 6 months after the second dose was applied. All this generated a great discussion in the committee of health experts, which lasted several hours. As a result of all this, the board considered as insufficient all the data shown by the pharmacist with respect to the third dose, so it was considered that the minor is not necessary for now.

This discussion obtained a total of 16 votes in favor of rejecting said proposal, while only three members were in favor of Pfizer.

One of the most relevant comments that emerged from that meeting was that of Dr. Paul, who is part of the Center for Vaccine Education at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Who clearly let his position be known when he expressed the following: “This is a great decision, it is not necessary to rush into something as delicate as this. I don't understand the reason why you can't spend more time looking at the data”.

While experts from the Food and Drug Administration were a little more inclined to the idea of Pfizer for the application of a third dose, but they suggested creating it as a booster plan for the most vulnerable people, in this case for the elderly 60 or 65 years, but unfortunately no decision was reached on this matter.

This decision to reject the third dose of the Pfizer vaccine against covid-19 has come as a severe blow against the president of the United States Joe Biden, who had already begun to make plans for the application of this dose at the end of September.. It should be remembered that the decision of the health expert committee is not final, but it is usually highly respected by agency, so until now the third dose will have to wait a little longer before going on the market.

Why is a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine necessary?

The third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is rejected by the committee of experts of Health of the...

The news of a possible third dose of the Pfizer vaccine quickly went viral, which has created many doubts in the population. However, the pharmaceutical company has made it quite clear that a third injection could help strongly boost protection against the Delta variant of the coronavirus specifically, but in the same way, it has made clear its protection against the other mutations that have appeared in recent months..

Because the company considers this third puncture of great importance, they announced that they would request authorization for its use, so it would be applied throughout the country at the end of September. Despite having the necessary data for approval, the health committee has not seen it entirely well, and still considers that this extra boost from Pfizer will not be necessary.

However, according to studies published by the pharmaceutical company, they have shown that the levels of antibody against covid-19 in people over 16 years of age and who are immunized for the third time with this dose are five times stronger than those of the second. While in the population between 65 and 85 years, the antibody levels are up to 11 times higher with respect to the Delta mutation. Reasons why they consider its application of great importance.

An extra immunization that is not yet endorsed by the United States Government

As it has been seen this Friday, the committee of experts of Health of the United States has not endorsed a third Pfizer vaccine for its population, despite the fact that the authorities continue to study the possibility of applying an extra immunization in vulnerable people.

It should be remembered that the pharmaceutical researchers made it known that this third dose could become a reinforcement capable of neutralizing up to 100 times more the Delta variant with respect to the second dose. They also made it known that the antibody levels are much higher against the original variant and the Beta variant. Despite all this, this proposal will still have to wait a little longer before going on the market.

Increased revenue for the pharmaceutical company with its third dose

As the days go by, the appearance of new variants is greater and greater, which is why Pfizer to test a new dose of the vaccine that allows them to specifically attack one of the most lethal variants so far, such as the Delta.

According to the data on the application of a third dose by the pharmaceutical company, it has generated a possible assumption of income of around 30,000 million euros from the sale of 2,000 million doses worldwide. Which has led many people to think that this third dose could simply be a plan to generate more income from the health company.

Could a third dose of the Pfizer vaccine prevent more deaths?

The third dose of the Pfizer vaccine is rejected by the committee of experts of Health of the...

The first two doses of Pfizer have been enough to control the virus, but what is not entirely sure is its effectiveness against new mutations, which continue to increase threat levels. That is why the pharmaceutical company wants to anticipate all this and vaccinate the population with the third dose, especially the most vulnerable population such as the elderly or people with diseases.

Thus, as said company ensures that at least two or three months of delay with the third dose could cause a large number of hospitalized people and deaths. This is why they consider it very important to apply the dose to both young people and adults as soon as possible.
