Devastating explosion in California leaves 1 dead and 15 injured

2 min de lectura

The event was lived on the day monday in the afternoon in the southern California when a special team was fixing a pipe in the area. In this way, after trying fix a certain ga systemin one of the homes in the area, an explosion was evident that destroyed it and caused damage to the people surrounding the site.

Devastating explosion in California leaves 1 dead and 15 injured

The explosion occurred approximately one hour after the arrival of the Gas from Southern California (SoCalGas), who were in charge of solving a fault with the gas line in that area of ​​California.

The team of SoCalGas he gave a statement expressing his pain and dismay at the eventuality experienced yesterday in California:

We are deeply saddened to learn of today's incident that claimed the life of one of our employees, injured firefighters and others affected. Our goal now is to work with the emergency services to make the area safe and support everyone involved. We will continue to work with the emergency services to determine what caused the accident. Our sympathies and thoughts are with the people and families of those affected.

It has been released diverse preliminary information, which indicates that the explosion occurred due to excavations carried out in the area where the problem was presented in the pipeline, although said work was carried out without the supervision of a specialized technician.

In this way, the contractor in charge of the excavation did not call 811, number in which contact is made with the personnel in charge to notify about all kinds of social tasks related to the excavation. Therefore, it was not possible to delimit the safe excavation lines, producing this tragic event.

All this incident caused the death of the worker in charge of the excavation and caused another employee to be injured. Additionally, it has been confirmed thate another 14 workers were injured, which can be a very tragic event for the US community.

A similar event was experienced in the fountains Plaza shopping center of Florida, when there was an explosion that left more than 20 injured in the act. For now, the US special team is working on the case to verify the cause of this event witnessed two weeks ago.
