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Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger

4 min de lectura

The businessman said in recent days that he was willing to donate 6 billion dollars if the UN World Food Program explained to him via Twitter how the money he would donate would solve world hunger.

Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger
Elon Musk is the richest man in the world, according to Forbes magazine

The director of the United Nations (UN) World Food Program (WFP), David Beasley, responded to the remarks made by Elon Musk, about how his money can help fight hunger in the world, and invited him to meet "on Earth or in space" to discuss the issue.

Musk took the WFP official at his word and put as a condition that he respond via Twitter, how this money would be invested to end hunger in the world, and keep a public accounting of the money, so that we can all see what is being done doing with money.

Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger

"Instead of tweets, let me show you. We can meet anywhere, on Earth or in space, but I suggest we do so in the field, where you can see WFP staff, WFP processes and technology at work." Beasley responded to Musk through the social network Twitter.

He further said that last year, when Tesla produced 500,000 electric cars, WFP fed more than 115 million people, delivering at least 20 billion food rations. He also pointed out that he knows how to make cars, while they at WFP know how to feed people.

Regarding the issue of public investment accounting, Beasley said that WFP's financial statements and documents, as well as independent evaluation reports, as well as audits and everything related to it are public, at the time he invited him to consult them.

More collaborative hands

Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger

Jake Paul, youtuber and American boxer said this Monday that he is willing to support Elon Musk in the task of fighting hunger in the world, if he donates the promised 6 billion dollars.

He asserted that if Musk donates the specified amount to the UN WFP, he will donate 10 million dollars, while making it a condition that his tweet obtain 690 thousand retweets.

It seems that ending the problem of hunger in the world is just around the corner, if the entrepreneurs with more money make their contributions. Although it does not seem fair, that they are putting conditions on such a delicate issue.

Jeff Bezos will contribute 2 billion

Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger

The creator of Amazon Jeff Bezos, during the summit in Glasgow, announced that through his foundation for the environment he will donate the amount of 2 billion dollars to recover nature and improve food security on the globe.

Although he did not specify how he will deal with the issue of hunger or food security, he did say that through his Bezos Earth Fund he plans to spend 10 billion dollars in the fight against climate change.

The hunger in the world

Elon Musk received a response from the UN on how to end world hunger

According to the WFP, the problem of hunger in the world has worsened in recent times, due to climate change, as well as the armed conflicts that were developing around the world before the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to the reports of this UN program, the health crisis, caused by the pandemic, worsened the situation, leading 42 million people to be in a situation of famine.

In fact, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Oxfam recently published a report, in which it indicates that the number of people who died in the last year has multiplied by six, compared to previous years. According to the report, at least 11 people die every minute from hunger and malnutrition. While about 7 people lose their lives every minute due to the coronavirus.

For OXFAM, the virus has deepened the global food crisis, and they have warned that someone a billion people could be food insecure, "a figure never seen before," says the organization.

The NGO Oxfam has higher numbers than the UN. They indicate that at least 155 million people around the world live with food insecurity, 20 million more than in 2020.
