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Everything you need to know about the La Palma volcano eruption

Mariana Romero
6 min de lectura
Everything you need to know about the La Palma volcano eruption

The emission from the La Palma fountain enters this Sunday in the list of the longest ejections of the island as it approaches that of El Charco, in 1712, which was soaked precisely 56 days after the fact, something that is not normal for it happens this time with the emission in Cumbre Vieja.

According to the National Geographic Institute, you have to go back 343 years, to 1678, to trace a longer ejection: that of the San Antonio lava spring, which lasted 66 days. It was followed by the Tigalate in 1646 (82 days) and the Tehuya in 1585 (84 days).

More than 20 seismic tremors shook La Palma this Sunday, one of them of magnitude 4.7 at a depth of 37 kilometers in Villa de Mazo.

On Saturday, the island experienced a magnitude 5 earthquake, the most extreme since the emergency began, in a direction exceptionally close to where more seismic action has been identified today.

The specialists affirm that both the seismicity and the sulfur dioxide emanations follow their descending pattern and relate it to the fact that the lava pit is losing energy, although it does not imply that the end of the ejection is near.

The magma has so far crushed an area of 1,019.79 hectares and 1,460 structures have been annihilated, according to the Cadastre. A 72-year-old person has died on La Palma while removing debris from his home in Los Llanos Aridane, the main victim since the ejection began.

People impacted by the lava pit ask for more solidity and instantaneity in the guides.

The head of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano Social Association, Juan Vicente Rodríguez Leal, has asked public bodies this Sunday to be more forceful when deciding the guidelines guaranteed against the damage caused by the ejection, and to present themselves "to the longer expiration ".

Rodríguez has regretted in an appearance before the media that guides totaling more than 200 million euros have been denounced "and yet it has not been indicated in what structure and when they will reach those affected".

In this way it hopes that the organisms determine something very similar and what monetary areas will be applied.

In addition, he has asked that the use of the land be reflected so that those affected who need to rebuild their homes can do so.

La Palma's lava spring "has less and less energy"

Lately, the emanation of sulfur dioxide from the abundance of La Palma has decreased. The earthquake (vibrations caused by magma reaching the magma chamber's stopping points), seismicity at transient depths, and land disfigurements have further decreased.

The decline in these indicators "does not have a solitary translation", said María José Blanco, supervisor of the National Geographic Institute in the Canary Islands (IGN), in the public interview in which she examined the progress of the ejection. "However, it seems that the volcano has less and less energy".

They find a lost mountaineer near La Palma's abundance escape zone

The Civil Guard found this Sunday an unknown neighbor who had been missing since Saturday night in the El Paso region (La Palma), near the avoidance zone due to the volcanic eruption.

In a statement, the Civil Guard has revealed that on Saturday night a notice was received that an unknown mountaineer had gotten lost in El Paso and had spoken with the crisis administrations with his mobile, but had no idea of the area where it was.

Thus, several groups met to find the climber, with whom contact was lost at 3:00 on Sunday, possibly due to the absence of battery in the wireless.

Around that time, the Special Mountain Intervention Rescue Group of the Civil Guard (GREIM) was launched and after a few hours of searching, he was found with some scratches, but in great condition and conscious.

Thus, it was transferred by the welfare administration for assessment in a welfare community. Extraordinary difficulties with gases and debris from the liquid magma source, according to the IGME.

The group of the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain displaced to La Palma warns that the gases and remains of the lava well are causing incredible difficulties in the activity this Sunday.

Pevolca lava emission spring

Everything you need to know about the La Palma volcano eruption

The region impacted by the magma currents is 1,019.79 hectares cleared (1.12 more than yesterday). This development is from the magma delta.

The Cadastre reports 1,460 structures obliterated by the issuance. Of these, 1,181 are compared with private use, 159 with agricultural use, 67 with modern use, 34 with business use, 13 with public use, and 15 with different jobs.

Copernicus has not refreshed his information, and as of Friday he had 2,731 structures / developments impacted by the magma. (Keep in mind that the European satellite does not separate between sustainable and unused structures).

The width between the scandalous magma currents proceeds to 3,100 meters. There have been no spills or increases in magma currents.

Tundra 9 has the best magma entry, the southernmost of all magma currents.

This magma current is independent of magma currents 1 and 2, which also have more modest commitments, and make up the development of the magma delta, which is now located on the one produced by the San Juan lava spring (1949).

There are a total of 481 people staying in shelters, 414 in Fuencaliente (five more than yesterday) and 67 in Los Llanos de Aridane. The number of people housed in reception and welfare centers on the islands remains at 43.

Seismicity is maintained at depths greater than 20 km and seismicity at moderate depths (10-15 km) is low. This Sunday the largest seismic earthquake was of magnitude 4.7, felt in force IV.

The height of the eruptive segment of the debris and sulfur dioxide cloud is 3,100 meters. The next 36-48 hours will proceed with the positive situation in the activity of the air terminals.

Air quality (always outside the rejection zone and in relation to the occupied regions) is acceptable in the vast majority of the island. In Los Llanos de Aridane and Puntagorda, high gas rises related to expulsion were recorded, but without being unsafe for well-being. It is normal for the weather to help disperse these gases at night.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre La erupción del volcán la palma
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Mariana Romero

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