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Former President Uribe considers a threat to Colombia military agreements between Venezuela and China
He described them as dangerous for Colombian security

The statements by the former president took place at the opening of the set of seminars organized by the Spanish Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies “China and the rivalry between the great powers in Latin America: repercussions for Spain”.
Uribe stressed that these criminal groups called "narco-terrorists" have Venezuela as their center of operations, which are also "under the protection" of the Venezuelan government. He assured that these organizations enter Colombia illegally to carry out "attacks" and then return to Venezuela.
According to the former president of Colombia, China promotes strategies that privilege its political business, pointing out the cases in Brazil, Chile and Peru, where China provides 5G technology.
Uribe points out that China has set its political agenda in Latin America, since the region has the best world reserves of resources, such as oil with 10%, copper with 50%, land for planting with 26%..
He pointed out that China operates in the region as an economic supplier, labeling the Asian country as a bank for the rescue of countries such as Venezuela, Argentina and Ecuador.
He highlights that the presence of China in Colombia is not so marked, because the coffee country has Spain and the United States as its main partners and allies.