Iran shoots down US drone

4 min de lectura

Iran today shot down an American drone in the Strait of Hormuz. The drone would have been shot down by the Revolutionary Guard of Iran. Teheran's official statements suggest that the US unmanned spacecraft was in Iranian territory and that it was also on an espionage mission. The president of the United States, Donald Trump, was annoyed by this action.

Iran assures that the drone was on an espionage mission and that's why they have shot him down, but at the other extreme is the United States, who says it is totally false, that the unmanned ship was only on a reconnaissance mission and that it was also in international airspace.

"Iran has committed a very serious error", said Donald Trump generating all kinds of controversy. The American president is well known for not being silent at all and unleashing his tongue on the famous social network Twitter.

"At 00:14 the drone left the United Arab Emirates in stealth mode and violated Iranian airspace. It was set to look at 04:05 at the coordinates (25 ° 59' 43 "N 57 ° 02' 25 "E) near Kouh-e Mobarak. We recovered pieces of the US military drone in our territorial waters where it was shot down", says Javad Zarif, the Iranian Foreign Minister through his Twitter account.

The United States is already a few days ago having problems with Iran, after the attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, attacks by which the United States and other nations hold Iran responsible.

Maybe it's a provocation

Iran boasts that it does not fear the United States, although they say they do not want war with any country but that they are prepared to defend the country if necessary. Perhaps it is a response to the US accusations against Iran for the attack on US oil tankers.

"Probably wrong, "said Trump "I guess it was a general or someone who made a mistake and ordered the demolition of the ship, "he added.

The Strait of Hormuz

It is no mystery to anyone that this strait is very important for all nations that use oil as fuel. The United States promised a time ago that it would never allow Iran to interfere in the free flow of the Strait of Hormuz, a promise that is in jeopardy after the attack on two US oil tankers, one loaded with oil and the other with chemicals, both shot down in the Gulf of Oman. , very close to the Strait of Hormuz.

This strait is the only way that makes it possible for oil from the Persian Gulf to be distributed throughout the world. The Strait of Hormuz is so important that, after the two US oil tankers were shot down, moments later the barrel of oil increased its price by 4% despite having been falling for a long time. This sudden rise of the barrel of oil represents the importance of the Strait of Hormuz in the world, because, for many nations, oil remains the main source of energy.

Is it possible that this will lead to a serious conflict?

I personally do not think that this happens to majors. The United States is drowned in controversy lately and it is not convenient to get into another. At first Donald Trump was annoyed through Twitter for this event but moments later he was more calm and with an air of wanting to demean the problem when he gave the official statements to reporters in the oval office. What do you think? Let us know what you think in the comments section.


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