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Know the influence of the solar eclipse of July 02 on the signs of the zodiac

5 min de lectura

One of the most interesting phenomena that we can witness will take place this July 2, it is a solar eclipse, something perhaps as incredible as witnessing a meteor shower and fortunately, a good part of South America and the South Pacific will be able to witness it.

The moment when the moon comes between the earth and the sun will be around 16:55 (UTC) and with a duration of almost 5 hours exactly, it will end around 21:50 (UTC). In South America it is expected that it can be seen clearly in areas of Argentina and Chile, while in other areas the vision of it will not be so clear.

At a general level, all the signs of the zodiac must feel a call to experience new experiences, leaving the status quo to experiment with something that previously frightened them, some will feel a particular emphasis on home activities that bring the family together, but to get to know it in detail let's review sign by sign how the solar eclipse of next July 2 will influence the zodiac.

Know the influence of the solar eclipse of July 02 on the signs of the zodiac


You will be presented with opportunities and open paths to make changes or remodeling in your house or room. It is also possible that you make important decisions such as moving to another area and even to a city.


You receive good news, merit for recent work, it is a great time to establish new contacts or strengthen the ones you already have to improve your image and expand the scope of your work and/or profession.


This solar eclipse on July 2 in Cancer will optimize the management of your resources, so it is a good time to invest, settle accounts and even establish the conditions to request a loan that you need, it is time to trust your instinct.


A change of look or the decision to improve your physical shape at once, decisions about your appearance can be made today, you will also put aside the people who criticize you and who have given you so much headache before, ignore them will be automatically your key to moving forward to a new zone of growth in your life.


This sign can be a victim of memories that pressure and paralyze them before certain decisions or steps to take, the fear of repeating past mistakes will be present, but Leo will not make any past mistakes now, if you decide to take the step, the things will work out.


You will see improved treatment and collaboration with co-workers, as well as with colleagues in any field. On the other hand, something new begins to appear on your horizon and brings new challenges, a somewhat more distant and ambitious goal, but much better in terms of the result that you know you can obtain.


Your desire to work increases at a remarkable rate and even if you are already working overtime or have two jobs, you will find a way to do something else from home or perform better in one of your occupations, the best of all is that it will not go unnoticed for your superiors.

Know the influence of the solar eclipse of July 02 on the signs of the zodiac


Professions, jobs, courses that you have never taken will attract your attention and if you manage to decide on one and start today, you could surprise yourself in a few months. The approach to topics or paranormal knowledge is possible today, after the eclipse.


Key moment to close any negotiation that has become complicated, whether it is the rental or purchase of a property, the renegotiation of a debt or credit and even procedures for a divorce or separation of property, you will be at the best time to resolve the case without ending up very materially or morally affected by it.


Wishes. Desires take over Capricorn and these could be personal, sentimental or material but they will always be very ambitious, it is possible that today you throw yourself into a somewhat exaggerated shopping spree or that you end up approaching an ex whom you suddenly think a lot about.


An idea will come to your mind, a good idea, it can be a project that seeks to lay a much more stable economic base for you and yours or something that you have thought to improve the operation or performance of a company plan, in any way, remember to get something out of it for yourself, it's fair.


Relations with young people or children improve a lot and at the same time their inner child grows and manifests itself in a greater and better expression of their talents and creativity, if they are invited to a cultural or artistic event and need to participate, you can be sure that you will be the best in business, Pisces.
