Lenín Moreno warns of terrible consequences of the protesters in Ecuador

2 min de lectura

Lenin Moreno declared a state of exception in Ecuador. Social networks show #NoAlParo, but the streets of Ecuador show another panorama. From the day that the economic reform to pay 4,000 million to the IMF came into force, Ecuadorians came out to protest as a symbol of nonconformity.

Lenín Moreno warns of terrible consequences of the protesters in Ecuador

Looting, violence and completely collapsed streets is the balance that left the first day of protests. The president warned that dialogue is not an option and warns all protesters that they will be captured and jailed.

Lenin Moreno, of course, points to the unions and a small group of people who seek to destabilize the tranquility of the cities. The president is in a military base, because he declared a state of emergency.

Although the images showed the opposite, the president assured that everything was controlled and that they managed to recover the safety of the cities.

The protesters complain about the increase in fuel prices as a result of the government withdrawing the subsidy for this product. The immediate increase was 123% in the value of gasoline per gallon.

From that moment the transporters were the first to go out to protest, then the workers' union joined them and finally the students entered the national strike. Classes at the various public colleges and universities were suspended until further notice.

We reject the violent events that occurred in the demonstrations on Thursday, and we call on the transporters union to demonstrate peacefully. The decision taken by the government is key for the present and future of Ecuador, that is why we call on all sectors to demonstrate peacefully and exhaust all instances of dialogue. Statement from the Presidency of Ecuador.
Lenín Moreno warns of terrible consequences of the protesters in Ecuador
