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Migrant children are deported to Guatemala

Children are the most vulnerable migrants, according to the organization Save The Children, they are abused and mistreated

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Migrant children are deported to Guatemala – News – WebMediums
Children cross the border to reach the United States

Every day, through the different border areas, there are dozens of children and adolescents who make the long and dangerous journey of passing to the United States as migrants.

Some go in the arms of their peers, others have to go alone. And it is that the economy, and the rate of violence in the countries of Central America has made them pursue the American dream.

Fifty-nine minors were deported to Guatemala, all of whom arrived in a white bus with Mexican license plates that parked at the “Nuestras Raíces” state shelter in Quetzaltenango, in the southwest of the country, and 4 hours from the capital.

The identities of the children remain protected, only the authorities carried out the investigative work, contacted the parents, confirmed the relationship, and began the deportation process.

José Mauricio, who has a 16-year-old daughter, commented that he spent at least 14 days waiting for information about the girl, until he received the call from the authorities.

Although the man already has his daughter close, and knows that she is fine; She still thinks that the only way to improve her daughter's future is to leave this country, since she admits that 60% of the population lives in poverty.

On the other hand, the Save The Children organization has commented that the migratory crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean is getting worse, there are thousands of children and adolescents who want to cross the border without an adult, which means that are more exposed to abuse and threats.

The crisis is further exacerbated by the decisions to keep Title 42 in force, which stands out as a decree by former President Donald Trump, which allows the immediate expulsion of migrants seeking asylum at the southern border.

Title 42 does not apply to unaccompanied minors, which is why many Central Americans send them to the United States in search of a better life.

Este artículo está también disponible en español
Niños migrantes son deportados a Guatemala

Dilis Salazar

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